[quote=WiliamZero] Rinnosuke is basically alone as he exploring the big school. The place is kinda complicated, like a maze. But it didn't take a long time for him to grasp how the school layout is. In fact the layout is kinda interesting in a sense, especially with the surrounding. The school building formed a U shape, the east building appeared to be building for middle-school, while the west building for the high-school. Even though it's weird, he couldn't help but to notice there's collage students or kindergarten students around there too. It appeared this school have some kind of elevator system. Most of the students are girls though. As far as he saw, there's only 1 male every 5 students he passed. It appeared that the school used to be all-girl school. Dunno what policy changed it, but now boys could enroll here too. Even though, their number is kinda limited. Back to the topic, the layout of the school is kinda magnificent. This school have its own private land, private beach, private hills, even extra-large field. It meant REALLY really BIG. Lots of things could be done there. He saw sports field and shooting range there.This is quite nice school, it made Rinnosuke wondered who's working this school and who's in charge of it. They might be a very magnificent people. After wasting some more time, it appeared there's some area here that boys still not allowed to enter, something like 'ladies' area only'. No problem at all, still the school have its own shopping mall here. Is this really a school. Because, WOW! Who don't want to get in here. The enterance exam is hard like hell though. So Rinnosuke started thinking a quite possible things about this school, like it's exam.Rinnosuke decided to end his tour by visiting his classroom ... more like checking the west-building to see how the class look like. "Geez, I hope I could find someone my age there. Maybe talking with them? Or maybe tried to be friend with them" said Rinnosuke as he talking to himself [/quote] [hider= Chiaki Tsurara][img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/p526x296/1619434_427717003997900_754436865_n.jpg[/img][/hider] Chiaki was moving back and forth, running the errands that's instructed to her by her Chemistry Teacher for today's class, she's been running nonstop from one building to another, it turns out that potions are a factor in magic class. One could wonder why Science and Magic agree with each other but the truth is it is very complicated and can't be further explained by words, even Chiaki who excels at magic and science still doesn't understand trivial concepts. At the very least, this was a good exercise for her and then she saw Rinnosuke. She stopped running and wondered what is he doing loitering around and appeared before him, "Onii-chan--- ehem." Chiaki stopped calling him with honorifics because it would be embarrassing to take and people would make rumors out of it but then again two birds in one stone, calling Rinnosuke by first name basis and surname gives her the tingling feeling too. "Nii-san, do you need any help? I could tour you around if you like after all, classes haven't started yet." She said in a sincere manner.