[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjgwLmZmODg4OC5UbUZyWVc1dklGTmhhM1Y1WVEuMA/gloria-beauty-demo.regular.png[/img][/center][hr][indent] The sudden slam threw Sakuya off guard, eyes widening a touch. What was with this reaction? Was Hoshino really this averse to being told to do the bare minimum and keep out of trouble? A part of her thought that maybe there was some unknown misunderstanding or something. The rational thing to do would be to have a calm conversation and get to the bottom of it. However, even if that was the case, she didn't appreciate his action or his word. If he was trying to intimidate her, he was going to have to do a better job than that. She absolutely refused to back down, her glare matching his in intensity as her violet eyes locked onto his blue ones. The tension all but evaporated as a third person joined the conversation--actually, he didn't so much join as he did barrel through, going so far as to sling an arm around Hoshino. Asakura Kazuyoshi was his name if she remembered correctly, though she couldn't say his face was one of comfort, [i]especially[/i] with that stupid line. Who in their right mind would think she was trying to flirt? Was he that dense? It was absolutely ridiculous, further fueling the flames of her temper, but she managed to bite down the first response that came to mind. Even so, however, if looks could kill, she was pretty sure they'd both be on the floor. [color=salmon]"Your service is appreciated,"[/color] Sakuya replied dryly, eyeing the other boy warily. [color=salmon]"I expect you'll be on your best behavior this year, too, Asakura."[/color] She wasn't a stranger to his recklessness, either. A tiny beep put a stop to anything else she wanted to say as she glanced down at her watch. Right, the meeting. The reminder actually served to calm her down greatly, albeit she wasn't going to just walk away without saying anything. Straightening up, Sakuya leveled a stern look on the pair. [color=salmon]"Regardless of your guidance, it wouldn't do to abandon a new student. I'll be checking up on you once in a while to make sure you're acclimating properly. If there is any indication of the contrary, I'll make sure to step in,"[/color] She reiterated, eyes landing on Hoshino again. [/indent][right][sub][@Asura][@WXer][/sub][/right]