[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/mcf-alien-delon-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210403/bcef6ccc86e92631ecf1c048e89d9f55.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr][hr] The Lord of Rot continued to wage war with the tempestuously fickle sky, staring blankly as it roiled and churned, its dark underbelly akin to umbral scales of some grand leviathan. Around him lightning flashed, tearing deep fissures several feet deep in the blasted ground and setting what little vegetation remained alight. The heat of the bolts was added unto the wind as well, whipping it into a static inferno that whirled with the chaos of its own momentum. Despite the violent feedback, Xem was making slow yet steady progress, as he was becoming increasingly familiar with the way the magical energies weaved and flowed. Soon the sky would be restored to a more proper state, provided nothing went awry of course. Almost as if the hand of fate were conspiring against him, several forks of lightning flashed in rapid succession further north, and Xem could feel the weather there begin to turn. Shifting his rotten bulk until he was fully facing that direction, the Pestilent King let out a low growl, fetid bursts of spores erupting from his throat. There was another being there like himself judging by the resistance he currently felt. Another equally powerful god no doubt, what with the sheer amount of force the localized anomaly was currently exerting. A challenge to be sure, but Xem would not see his will denied, and pushed back against the stormy pocket just as hard, his efforts redoubled tenfold. Clenching his fists, he attempted to stamp out the localized vortex and return it to a more placid state. His attention being refocused, however, the rest of the sky had slowly begun to revert to its previously chaotic state, the magical energies spilling in from other layers continuing to wreak their havoc on the drifting shard... [hider=Summary] Xem's battle to restore the heavens to a viable state continues, although the creation of a storm in the north by the goddess Paratiri has thrown a wrinkle into his divine plan. Not one to be deterred, he redoubles his efforts, attempting to crush the anomaly through sheer force of will. In doing so however, Xem's focus becomes tunneled and centers on that single point in space, to the severe detriment of the rest of the magic ravaged sky. [/hider]