Rifts, mysterious, ancient anomalies that have existed for all of time. No beginning, no end, they simply just are. We don’t know why we, out of countless others were chosen by the rifts, but we have, and now, we’re forced to call a new world home. A world birthed by countless dimensional tears in the fabric of the multiverse. Thousands, maybe even millions, of chunks of land from alternative timelines, alien worlds, worlds beyond our comprehension, all smashed together to forge an untamed world of danger, mystery, adventure, and war. Much time has passed since the world was forged, we have, and those that came before and after, have come to accept that this is our new home, many communities rose, and begun dotting the untamed landscape. Those that had the resources and power, erected great walled cities to defend against the elements, raiders, and rival powers. Once what resembled civilization was established, no matter the world, timeline, or universe, all peoples of the multiverse share one common trait, that we will always turn on one another. ------------------------ Welcome to Riftworld! A Character/Nation rp set in the interdimensional dumping ground of the multiverse. Home to all sorts of people and races, a mysterious world that holds many secrets, a world where magic and technology co-exist. What path will you take in these trying times? If anyone has any questions, I’ll gladly answer. --------------------- [u]Sign-Up Sheets[/u] Nation Name/Flag (The usual, provide a name of your nation(long version, short version, or both, you decide) and post either an image or description of your nation’s flag). Government Type: (State government type. It is optional to provide a small bit of info on how things work, doesn’t need to be super detailed) Demographics: ( The people of your nation, human, non-human or both. It could as simple as a percentage list, but you also have the option of providing some info the people of nation.) Military: (The fun part! How does your nation approach warfare and defense? And of course, tons of pictures of what their soldiers, vehicles and war machines look like :P ) History: (Speaks for itself. It can as brief or detailed as you wish.) Characters: (Pretty much the POV characters of your nation. From politicians, scientists, generals, soldiers, civilians, etc. Include whoever you wish to include really.) Organization Name/Emblem: (The usual, provide a name of your organization, and post either an image or description of your emblem). Affiliation:(optional, could be from one of the states of riftworld or entirely independent group.) Strength: (Basically how large is your organization? Is it a roaming mercenary company? A small band of adventurers? A marauding warband? The possibilities are endless!) History: (Speaks for itself. It can as brief or detailed as you wish.) Characters: (What sort of people make up the organization?) ------------- World Map: [img]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/briil-png.132870/[/img]