[@Jangel13][@Duthguy] [color=00a651][h1] [center]Wan Baw Mcgraw Day 0, Morning, Church [/center] [/h1][/color] Wan was glad that they would stop talking and get to do something useful. He found a couple of berries which could be enough to sustain the group, however he was hoping they would have found a small mammal to kill. “Fuckin hell boys i don’t think this will be enough.” He studied the berries in his small hands. “I guess this will do, keep an eye out boys for a rabbit or something.” He handed some berries to Zats, he felt that Zats would be responsible for the berries and other fruits they find. The crazed goblin was glad that they found some rocks, which would be good to use as a weapon. “Fuckin ey, finally we can get some meat.” He scanned his surroundings, making sure not to separate from the group. Looking around for any sticks and veins, so he could make some sort of club. He was glad that he was found the materials and food that they would need, he soon followed the others back towards the church. [hider=Stats And Inventory] EXP: 0 Acquired Skills: N/A Titles: N/A Blessings: N/A Curses: N/A Inventory: N/A [/hider] [hider=Summary] Wan reacts negatively to finding berries but gets excited when he finds some rocks to throw at animals. [/hider]