[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D7SPOoq.png[/img][/center][hr] [indent][color=gray]Calven beamed as he stepped out of his carriage with luggage in hand, and a basket of freshly-baked muffins in the other. Grinning, the boy hugged the basket to his chest as his eyes traced the silhouette of the massive exterior of Hoseforn Academy. This is the school his magic instructor recommended him to, so he had every reason to be excited. Before doing anything else, he set down his luggage and tried his best to neatly fasten the insignia pin attached to his collar. His father taught him time and time again that he was a magus before anything else. Naturally, the boy wanted to make his father proud just like any other son would… but truth be told, the magus robes were hot, uncomfortable, and a hassle to wear overall. Who on earth thought it would be a good idea to don the same exact design through all four seasons of the year? Nobody likes wearing sleeves in the summer! Damn these itchy things. Silent complaints aside, he was still partially determined to pass off as a responsible student of the Magus Librarium. He quickly waved goodbye to his chauffeur, not sparing a single glance back as he took off inside the grand structure. After years of spending his childhood in solitude, he felt more than ready to welcome the new world that was laid out for him ahead. The bounce in his step had him practically gliding through the academy’s winding halls. He didn’t know much about living life in the real world, but he knew well enough to follow the crowd to bring him where he needed to go. Eventually, the mass of students that Cal came along with stopped in a large, circular room. “Main Hall”, the sign read. The ceilings seemed to stretch incredibly high, and soon enough he understood why. The room was built vertically expansive to accommodate the massive, glistening shard of crystal sat right in the middle. Calven’s jaw dropped and stayed that way for a few moments as the students dispersed to find their place around the crystal. Seeing how the other students immediately knew what to do, Cal glanced side to side and picked up that he needed to initiate contact with the humongous crystal. He took a step forward and immediately jumped at the dialogue that sounded from the crystal.[/color] [color=FFC0CB]"Greeting's new student. I am Athena. Welcome to Hoseforn's Academy for Gifted Adventurers. Please present your acceptance scroll now."[/color] [color=gray]Calven was in awe, but mostly dumbfounded. Never in all his years of living has he ever witnessed a rock that could talk.[/color] [color=#85B0BE]”Hi Athena - and yes, sure thing,”[/color][color=gray], he rummaged in his bag to pull out a crumpled-up scroll of paper and did his best to flatten it out before shoving it in front of the crystal.[/color] [color=#85B0BE] "Tell me you can still read it..."[/color] [color=gray]he muttered.[/color] [color=FFC0CB]"Letter accepted. Welcome Calven Fallard."[/color] [color=gray]He sighed in relief.[/color] [color=#85B0BE]”Thank you, I really wasn’t sure if--”,[/color] [color=FFC0CB]"This is a map of the school grounds, your dorm number is 781. A fresh uniform and any supplies you require will be waiting for you. Please change... Bathe... and return to the Main Hall within an hour and a half for the welcoming feast. Attendance is mandatory."[/color] [color=#85B0BE]”...got you, I’ll be on my way. Thanks again!”[/color] [color=gray]he said, and happily waved to the crystal before taking his things and leaving the Main Hall. Thanks to the simple route set up on the map, Calven reached his dorm in no time. The blonde already set down his things to reach for the door handle, but the door already decided by itself that it would open with no effort. Calven whistled in response. Without looking inside, the blonde proceeded to pick up his things with both arms and noisily shuffled into the room. The very first thing he noticed was a boy with raven-black hair, who seemed to be totally immersed in reading a book. [I]"They gave me a roommate?!"[/i] As Cal had thoroughly practiced before arriving - the blonde dropped his luggage and quickly walked over to the boy with his basket in hand and set down a still-warm muffin on the table.[/color] [color=gray]He proceeded to lean on the table in front of the other boy, with his face propped up on his elbow.[/color] [color=#85B0BE]”Even though you seem pretty busy, care for a mana muffin? I made them myself, and they’re meant to restore your energy for this morning spent moving. Don’t worry, you can’t actually taste the mana in them. OH, my name is Calven by the way. Calven Fallard. Nice to meet you, roomie!”[/color][/indent] [hr][@Inertia]