The big man shifted the dead weight of the man wolf as the young lad spoke. A grumble proceeded from deep in the hunter’s chest as he listened and the names of the two delinquents was brought up. He caught himself and stopped the disapproving sound that would have been very natural in any dog. Oskar fully explained what the hunter had theorized. The man wolf had been the victim of young stupidity. A hunter would have been much more merciful in their arrow work and a guard would have already delivered the dead body of a suspected monster to the elders of the village. No this episode reeked of the need for entertainment and the cruelty that some humans took very easily too. Unlike animals, humans tended to play with wounded things. They rejoiced in the feeling of power it gave them. Animals hunted for food, never for sport. Even the playful kitten is not doing that out of evilness but out of a desire to prolong the hunt and try out more skills. Arn gave a big sigh. [color=0054a6] “Come boy, you must tell this story to the Elders. This may not be your doing. But only a coward would hide the truth.”[/color] Arn motioned his head towards the wounded man. It was still unclear if the person would survive. [color=0054a6] “We need to take him to the healer.”[/color] He reminded the young woman next to him and again turned his blue eyes to the would be hunter lad. [color=0054a6]“Come”[/color] was all he said and started walking towards the village again.