[quote=@Duoya] [hider=Darrin Maldonado, Communicator of Cernunnos] [center][img]https://mediaslide-europe.storage.googleapis.com/uno/pictures/145/30544/large-1508141575-3bc22756015d51ed81b9bb074ddd2405.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210409/9be8f398177dce864717d25e633a7af0.png[/img] [h2][color=a36209][ BASICS ][/color][/h2][hr] [color=a36209][b][ NAME ][/B][/color] Darrin Maldonado, 21st of Cernunnos [color=a36209][B][ AGE ][/B][/color] 20 [color=a36209][B][ GENDER ][/B][/color] Male [color=a36209][B][ COMMUNICATOR OF ][/B][/color] Cernunnos, the Horned God [color=a36209][B][ MYTHOLOGY OF CERNUNNOS ][/B][/color] Cernunnos is a being shrouded in mystery, with modern interpretations of the god being limited to the little pieces of iconography that remains of him. Cernunnos' exact domains and myths are unknown, but based on his appearances in carvings and metallurgy, it is likely that he was a god of Animals, Travel, Fertility, and Commerce. Communicators of his usually do not think very well of him, and he has a poor reputation among the other Gods for his mannerisms and his apathy towards humanity. [hr][h2][color=a36209][ APPEARANCE ][/color][/h2][hr] [color=a36209][B][ PHYSIQUE ][/B][/color] Darrin has long unkempt hair and a decent-sized beard, both of which are far smaller than when he was first found. Very muscular from years of constant physical activity and fighting for his life, although he has gained body fat and lost a lot of muscle thanks to the past few months of leisure and overeating. He is covered in dozens of scars all across his body, with his hands and feet being so calloused that they're more like tanned leather than skin. He is surprisingly light-skinned thanks to the thick canopy of the forest he lived in, though his skin is much rougher than many others. Typically wears very warm clothing and gloves as he is unused to the New England weather, but prefers to walk barefoot when in warmer climates. [color=a36209][B][ HEIGHT / WEIGHT ][/B][/color] 5'8 / 189 lbs [hr][h2][color=a36209][ PERSONALITY ][/color][/h2][hr] [color=a36209][B][ PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION ][/B][/color] Darrin is incredibly different from what someone would expect after hearing his story. Rather than acting like some wild man, he is docile and his speech could even be called articulate. In fact, compared to many feral children who were brought back to civilization, Darrin is incredibly adjusted and well-spoken - Darrin attributes this to an active effort on reading [i]Frankenstein [/i]constantly, which he believes preserved his ability to communicate. He is mild-mannered, though an eager extrovert who seems eager to form relationships with his peers. In fact, his eagerness could almost be called desperation - after so long away from other humans, he feels the need to make up for the years he spent alone by forming connections with as many people as possible. While he is very behind compared to his peers in academics, he is desperate to catch up and spends much of his time reading and studying, and he dreams of eventually getting a degree in the biological sciences. Cernunnos, however, would not choose someone like this to be his Communicator. Cernunnos chooses Wild Things, not Tame Men. Under the surface of calm that Darrin tries so desperately to maintain, is a much more primal aspect of humanity. When angered or threatened, Darrin becomes brutal and violent, horribly maiming and killing anything that intimidates him. While essential to life in the wild, Darrin's willingness to inflict immense pain and suffering to those who threaten him will almost certainly become an issue in a more civilized environment. However, Darrin even after months of becoming reacquainted with society, still doesn't see anything wrong with his actions - they were the only reason he survived years ago, and in his opinion, if someone attacks him then he should be able to retaliate as much as he wants. Both of these aspects of his personality are facsimiles of the characters in his precious [i]Frankenstein[/i] - the calm and well-educated doctor, and the murderous monster that wanted to be accepted. The 'real' Darrin Maldonado hasn't seen the light of day since the plane crash that took his parents' lives. All that's left is a deranged man who lived in isolation for years, his only comfort and connection to the outside world being a single weathered novel. [color=a36209][B][ LIKES / DISLIKES ][/B][/color] Likes: Books, Movies, Fast Food Dislikes: Soda, Confrontation, Being Alone [hr][h2][color=a36209][ BIOGRAPHY ][/color][/h2][hr] [color=a36209][B][ Place of Origin ][/B][/color] St. Austell, UK [color=a36209][B][ BIO ][/B][/color] Born in the small town of St. Austell, England, Darrin had always been fascinated with nature. His family worked for the Eden Project, a tourist attraction that was famous for its 'Eco Domes' - miniature biospheres that emulate habitats and grow various plants, primarily for educational purposes for the visitors. Because of this, most of Darrin's young life was spent near exotic plants and the animals that came to the dome to feed on tourists' leftover food. He loved spending time in the hot, tropical dome that contained a variety of equatorial flora - he had spent a large portion of his youth in those domes, with a book in his hands. His parents would often become angry since the humidity of the dome would often render his books unusable after he was done. For his 13th birthday, Darrin's parents decided to take a vacation to Brazil - Darrin's love of the tropical environment in the dome spurred them to take the boy to the place it was modeled after. Darrin, however, was more eager to finally see the wildlife that inhabited the tropics. As they neared their destination, Darrin was given a second gift - his father handed him a copy of Frankenstein, a book that Darrin had accidentally dropped and ruined before he could even read it. An hour later, their plane crashed into the Amazon Rainforest. 72 people died in the crash, with Darrin being the only survivor - the crash and the next few days have been suppressed in Darrin's memory, and even he doesn't know how he survived that first week. The earliest memory he has after the accident was being far, far away from the crash, in the middle of the rainforest. The first few months were spent hiding from predators and being attacked by the insects of the forest, his only source of food being the various plants he learned about from his childhood. He lived like this for months before he worked up the nerve to begin hunting animals, and it took another month before he became skilled enough to actually catch anything. No matter how desperate he became, however, he never ate small animals - he had no clue which ones were poisonous. Slowly, Darrin became adapted to the Green Hell he found himself in. As the years passed, he began to lose any hope of escaping or being rescued - he could walk in a straight line as much as he wanted, but inevitably something would stop him - a jaguar, a river most likely swarming with parasites and crocodiles, or just pure exhaustion. And while he would never return to the crash site out of fear of seeing his parent's corpses, he managed to cling onto a semblance of civilization all those years. The book his father had given him - Frankenstein. He read it countless times, to the point where he could probably recite it word-for-word from memory. But no matter how angry he became with his situation, or how thick the humidity and rain could become, the novel somehow managed to survive the horrific conditions it was put through. Darrin didn't have dreams anymore. Maybe it was from the constant physical stress he was put under, or the fact his only intellectual stimuli was obsessing over how cool Frankenstein's Monster is, but his sleep was deep and barren. However, one night, he did dream. He was still in a forest, but the trees were far smaller, the canopy so close, and it was so much colder... Darrin didn't care about any of that, however, since all that mattered were the dozens of eyes watching him from the trees. Darrin heard voices coming from the trees, all of different tones and accents, disjointed as if different voices were saying different parts of the same chant. It wasn't until the words began spilling from his own mouth that he fully perceived them, however. [color=a36209]"SeRVice foR SALVatIon."[/color] It was hard to understand, but Darrin knew the meaning instinctually. He accepted the deal that Cernunnos offered. When he awoke, Darrin immediately began walking in a straight line towards nothing but one of his poorly made spears and his old Novel. It only took four days of travel by foot - perhaps Cernunnos directions were just that good, or Darrin just got lucky. He ran across a tour group and was quickly taken to the nearby Manaus City. He later learned that he had been missing for 7 years, 3 months, and 11 days. Darrin's story quickly made him into a news sensation in Brazil and his home, the United Kingdom. He was taken home, and after a few days of anxiety-inducing interviews and two months of rehabilitation, Cernunnos grew tired of waiting. Darrin found himself on a plane, delivering him to his new home in New England. [color=a36209][B][ REASON FOR CHOICE ][/B][/color] In his years of isolation, Darrin managed to achieve dominance in the Amazon - even managing to kill jaguars and crocodiles thanks to his cunning and skill with traps. As an Apex Predator and a person connected to nature on an instinctual level, Darrin was recognized by Cernunnos for his ability to survive. More importantly, the 20th Communicator had just recently died, and Cernunnos acquires new ones as soon as possible. Darrin just so happened to have the trait that Cernunnos values most in his Communicators - he was desperate. And Cernunnos, as a god of Travel, also had something that Darrin wanted more than anything else - Directions back home. [hr][h2][color=a36209][ POWERS ][/color][/h2][hr] [color=a36209][B][ RELICS / FAMILIARS ][/B][/color] [hider=The Faerie Dog] [img]https://2e.aonprd.com/Images/Monsters/CuSith.png[/img] [i]The creature glares angrily at Darrin, and the young man slowly slides the burger he was eating towards it. It immediatly begins devouring the meal, pleased at its master's acquiescence.[/i] [/hider] [color=a36209]Cu Sith[/color] - A massive green-haired dog, roughly the size of a young cow or small horse. Its tail is long and seemingly composed of leaves, and the legs of the creature are more akin to bark from a tree rather than flesh and bone. On its chest, the 'fur' is parted slightly, revealing the following symbol carved onto the bark-like skin beneath: ᚛ᚃᚔᚉᚆᚓ᚜. The Cu Sith lacks the scouting abilities of familiars like Huginn and Muninn and is incapable of stealth due to its sheer size. Rather, its role as a familiar is more akin to the Bull of Heaven - raw strength and intimidation. The Cu Sith is capable of inflicting fear and panic onto those who hear its bark. In legends, repeated barks from the creature could even kill. While the familiar lacks the potency claimed in its legend, the fear it imposes is still enough to cause the average man to run for cover after a howl or two. It should be noted, however, that this supernatural fear only functions at night and outdoors. During the day or inside a building, it's only as scary as a massive dog barking at you... which is still pretty intimidating. And even with the supernatural fear in effect, the especially brave are able to continue relatively undaunted. [color=a36209][B][ POWERS ][/B][/color] [i]The man had been running long enough that his body was beginning to shut down - and yet, he could see the clearing of trees he had bled on hours ago coming into view. He buckled over and grasped his knees, panting heavily and praying to find an to escape this green hell. When he regained his breath and turned, he could see a small mob of Stags staring at him from the cover of the trees.[/i] Terra Incognita - Darrin is capable of electing an area up to a kilometer in radius and completely destroy people's sense of direction within the area, as well as preventing them from learning the layout while the effect is in place. While useless in a clear open space, when within a maze or forest escape from the area is near impossible without some supernatural ability. It even goes so far as to scramble GPS and Magnets, although leaving a trail of some kind will still work. Rules of Nature - Darrin is capable of dominating animals, temporarily gaining control over their bodies and senses. Animals that are released from this control are either very shaken from the experience (such as small prey and domesticated animals) or become very aggressive (predators and territorial animals). He is limited to only controlling Deer, Snakes, and Dogs, can only control three animals in this manner at a time, and controlling more than one at a time can be incredibly disorientating. [color=a36209][B][ INVOCATION ][/B][/color] [hider=Cernunnos' 'True Form'] [img]https://safebooru.org//images/1664/75db1df1e5fbf9b07185b2e1144548dc762c0fad.jpg?1742870[/img] [i]Sìleas O'Doylei, the 12th of Cernunnos, sacrificing her right arm to perform Invocation against a Demigod of Yamata no Orochi, resulting in both of their deaths.[/i] [/hider] Cernunnos is not invoked in a manner similar to most gods. Rather than coming into being himself, Cernunnos summons his [i]previous communicators[/i] when invoked, generating them from the current Communicator's blood and lost body parts. The maximum number of past Communicators that can be invoked is 20, but due to the amount of blood and flesh needed for this being too much to survive, only 10 at most can be done with any hope of living afterward. Doing so would still take off multiple limbs, however - even trying to invoke just one would be too damaging to use as a regular ability, needing around a liter of blood or a bit more than a finger worth of flesh. While this method of Invoking is incomparably weaker to a typical Communicator's, the sheer number of bodies and aggression is enough to act as a great distraction. It is akin to a lizard tearing off its tail or leg in order to escape a predator, only the communicator cannot regrow these lost parts. The reason for this odd method of Invocation is because Cernunnos, unlike many gods, lacks a concrete physical form - the reason his iconography and myths are so rare is that he simply lacked a body. When he wished to interact with humans (on the rare occasions he did), he had to control an animal and act through them - this is what led to his depiction as a 'Horned God'. Since he has no form that can be Invoked normally, Invoking the God summons his Communicators, which served as his 'body' while they were alive. [color=a36209][B][ OTHER INTERESTS/SKILLS ][/B][/color] [color=a36209]Trap Making[/color] - One of the main reasons Darrin survived in the wilderness for as long as he did. Snares, Deadfalls, and Pits are his forte, with more advanced and mechanical traps being a bit beyond his ability to operate. [color=a36209]Stealth [/color]- Darrin knows how to move quietly and avoid making noises, to the point where he could sneak up on animals in order to pounce and kill them. While great for stalking people in the wilderness, Darrin's unfamiliarity with technology makes it difficult to hide indoors (he keeps forgetting cameras and motion sensors are a thing). [color=a36209]Survival [/color]- Darrin is able to survive in brutal conditions, and knows how to find food and clean water where the average person would starve. He can make simple shelters and fire that can take the intense humidity of the rainforest, as well as notice and follow tracks most wouldn't even see. This skill is limited to warm and temperate climates however - Darrin has no clue how to survive a real winter. [color=a36209]Philosophy [/color]- Ever since Darrin got back to society, he's loved talking with people about moral and philosophical issues that he had been stuck thinking about on his own. His views are usually a lot simpler than others due to his lifestyle, however. [color=a36209]Wood Carving[/color] - One of the few things that kept Darrin going when he was lost, he uses it is as a coping mechanism when stressed. He's very good, and could probably make a living off it if he really tried. [color=a36209]Reading [/color]- Even before he was lost, Darrin loved reading classical literature and books. For years, his only reminder of civilization was his decaying copy of Frankenstein, which he still has to this day. An easy way to get on his good side is to get him a good book. [hr][h2][color=a36209][ MISC. ][/color][/h2][hr] [color=a36209][B][ BIRTHDAY / SIGN ][/B][/color] October 25th, Scorpio [color=a36209][B][ FAVORITES / LEAST FAVORITES ][/B][/color] Favorite: Movie: Titanic Food: Burgers Drink: Water Book: Frankenstein Least Favorite: Movie: Cast Away (Though Jungle Book is a close second) Food: Wild Bananas Drink: Pepsi Book: N/A [color=a36209][B][ SEXUAL PREFERENCE ][/B][/color] Bisexual [color=a36209][B][ MUSIC/MOVIE/BOOK/GAME TYPE ][/B][/color] Enjoys Classic Literature and Romcoms, doesn't really listen to music. [hider=Communicators of Cernunnos] [hider=13] "My familiar is quite incapable - it's missing a leg! O lord, could you grant me a different servant?" -Phineas O'Doylei, 13th of Cernunnos [/hider] [hider=14] "I couldn't care less for this 'higher calling' bullshit - but if this Care-Nun-Ass lets me get all the deer pelts I want, I'll do whatever the hell the horned-bastard wants." -Daniel Boone, 14th of Cernunnos [/hider] [hider=17] "Invoking him only brings forth his prophets, his Communicators - so why are those animals summoned as well?." -Dennis Harway, 17th of Cernunnos. [/hider] [hider=20] "..." -???, 20th of Cernunnos. [/hider] [/hider] [/center] [/hider] [/quote] Love him! Feel free to move him over.