[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjEwNi5jMTBiMmUuVEdWdmJpQkNZWEpzYjNjLjE/nothing-clean.regular.png[/img][/center] Leon stood at the back of the pack as the Federation man described what happened to the survivors. He didn't know if this man would be able to identify him and did not want to take that chance. Despite the fact that the survivors were in a desperate situation, Federation members were as stupid as they come, Leon knew that much from experience. Instead he sat back, listening to Disker and the rest decide on what to do next. A hunt for pirates did not seem like a fun time for the mercenary but, it could give him a bit of assurance that this place would be safe for the rest of the journey, though he had a different worry about the existence of pirates with a Titan. [color=ec008c]“Fuck’s sake, you don't have to stall like this, you can just [i]say[/i] you’re scared. Not like anyone’d be surprised.”[/color] [color=red]"Enough."[/color] Leon's voice was loud but, still gravelly. He took a few steps to Disker's side, his body language giving off a vibe of being a calm, emotionless robot. [color=red]"He's a bit too cautious but, being cautious is smart. I'll join if we are going to do this instead of arguing about it."[/color] Leon scanned the few pilots who made this small ragtag group. He didn't know much of their skills besides what he saw, so he hoped this wouldn't be a death wish waiting to happen, especially with a kid among them.