[color=BFAFB2][CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/antosan-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210415/6fbb3df7b9e2406a35f3584e8752ed7d.png[/img][/url][/CENTER][sub]Team Leader[/sub] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [img]https://i.imgur.com/jSTWgFg.png[/img] [color=BFAFB2][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/antosan-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210415/b9fc226772b93acf512fc48c61aeb409.png[/img][/url] [center][sub]Andromeda "Romi" Yessenova [color=7070CC]|[/color] Cinnamon [color=7070CC]|[/color] xxxx/09/30 [color=7070CC]|[/color] [color=7070CC] #7070CC[/color] [color=7070CC]✰[/color] ✰ [color=7070CC]✰[/color] ✰ [color=7070CC]✰[/color] ✰ [color=7070CC]✰[/color] ✰ [color=7070CC]✰[/color] ✰ [color=7070CC]✰[/color] ✰ Seventeen [color=7070CC]|[/color] AFAB non-binary (Femme presenting) [color=7070CC]|[/color] 6'0 [color=7070CC]|[/color] 140 lbs [color=7070CC]✰[/color] ✰ [color=7070CC]✰[/color] ✰ [color=7070CC]✰[/color] ✰ [color=7070CC]✰[/color] ✰ [color=7070CC]✰[/color] ✰ [color=7070CC]✰[/color] ✰ [color=7070CC]✧[/color] ✧ [color=7070CC]✧[/color] Aloof - cool and distant; conspicuously uninvolved and uninterested [color=7070CC]✧[/color] ✧ [color=7070CC]✧[/color] Idealistic - unrealistically aiming for perfection [color=7070CC]✧[/color] ✧ [color=7070CC]✧[/color] Daydreamer - someone who always seems to have their head in the clouds [color=7070CC]✧[/color] ✧ [color=7070CC]✧[/color] Cunning/Machiavellian - having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by any means necessary [color=7070CC]✧[/color] ✧ [color=7070CC]✧[/color] Hedonistic - engaged in the pursuit of pleasure; self indulgent [color=7070CC]✧[/color] ✧ [color=7070CC]✧[/color] Amiable/Charismatic - exercising a compelling charm that inspires devotion in others; polite, friendly, and likable [color=7070CC]✰[/color] ✰ [color=7070CC]✰[/color] ✰ [color=7070CC]✰[/color] ✰ [color=7070CC]✰[/color] ✰ [color=7070CC]✰[/color] ✰ [color=7070CC]✰[/color] ✰ α p p є α r α n c є & p є r s σ n α l í t ч[/sub] [color=7070CC][sup] ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ [/sup][/color][/center][hider=✰] [sub][COLOR=BFAFB2][i] If one were to describe Romi, they might say that she scared her initially before they got to know her. A cunning personality and an old soul trapped in the body of a restless youth. Aloof like a cat with resting-bitch face to match, her outward demeanor has always been a frosty reception by those who have to witness it, but once she starts to open up to someone, she's known to do whatever it takes to protect the things and the people she sees as precious to her. An idealist through and through, Romi has been known to have her head in the clouds, and is thankful to the people around her who care enough to keep her grounded. Romi doesn't like the spotlight as it makes her incredibly uncomfortable, but she always seems to find herself thrust into leadership roles where people expect far too much from her. She knows that if people know that she's smart, then they expect things from her, and she fears that she'll never meet people's expectations. Romi has a baby face framed with black-cherry colored hair that falls down to the middle of her back. Her "signature look" might be off-putting to those at first- the black lipstick and heavy black eyeliner both accentuate her pale features and light-hazel eyes. Worn converse or even sometimes a pair of purple-laced combat boots and leather jackets are forever part of her wardrobe. Some say punk never dies, and she would be a firm believer in that. A tiredness that cuts deep through her entire being can sometimes be evident behind those dark-lined eyes- a tiredness that comes with stories that she's never told- hidden under the facade of being a coffee addict. [/i][/COLOR][/sub][/hider][CENTER] [color=7070CC][sup] ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ [/sup][/color][/center] [/cell][cell][sub][b][color=7070CC] s k í l l s & w є α k n є s s є s [/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=BFAFB2]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [color=BFAFB2] [u]Spells[/u] [color=7070CC] ➽[/color]➽[color=7070CC]➽[/color] Hex - the ability to manipulate her own vitality or aura rather than the energy around her. Skilled users of this may be able to constructs or barriers, but as she is a novice at this, it only manifests itself as a purple iridescent threads around her hands. These threads are weaved from her own energy, and are very strong. Generally speaking, they would only be able to be cut by powerful enemies even at her novice level, or by sheer exhaustion from overuse of this skill. The longer she uses this ability, the more draining it becomes on her body. If all of her aura is used, she will fall unconscious until the energy is replaced- whether from eating or from rest or both. These threads also have a limited range, but she has yet to even discover this ability to know what the range on it is. [color=7070CC] ➽[/color]➽[color=7070CC]➽[/color] Absolute Defense - Despite the name of this ability, it isn't exactly absolute. This is more of an involuntary power most of the time than a voluntary one. However, she can learn to control this over time. This rejects attacks from the user and redirects them- often times sending the attacker flying backward. As she tends to focus mostly on using her physical threads as weapons, and these are set, calculated attacks, her absolute defense is sometimes (read: always) vulnerable to instantaneous attacks. The absolute defense can also be “tricked” into harming it's user and redirecting the vectors back onto Romi if the enemy is fast enough. It is not taxing in and of itself, but learning to control it will overexert her. [color=7070CC] ➽[/color]➽[color=7070CC]➽[/color] Life Stitching - Using her threads, she is able to heal smaller wounds and abrasions. Larger wounds will take much more time and energy, and life threatening injuries should be avoided at all costs as there is a definite limit to this power. Taxation of it could prove fatal for the user. [u]Weaknesses[/u] [color=7070CC] ➽[/color]➽[color=7070CC]➽[/color] Romi has an increased metabolism. She can eat a large meal, and still be hungry in a few hours. She can eat anyone under the table and never gain weight from it. This, however, can become debilitating if not sated quickly. Due to the taxation on her body from her abilities, eating to replenish her vitality is necessary. [color=7070CC] ➽[/color]➽[color=7070CC]➽[/color] Her threads can cut her if she isn't careful enough with using them- leaving behind iridescent scars on her hands and forearms. [color=7070CC] ➽[/color]➽[color=7070CC]➽[/color] She isn't much of an offensive fighter- choosing rather to take a defensive stance. [/color] [sub][b] [color=7070CC]p r є f є r є n c є s[/color] [/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=BFAFB2]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [color=7070CC]♥[/color] Likes [color=7070CC]☒[/color] Dislikes [color=7070CC]✧[/color] Quirks [color=7070CC]♥[/color] Quiet afternoon train rides, thrift stores, black coffee/cold brew, vintage clothes, comfortable, oversized sweaters, autumn, spicy food, bullet journals, scrapbooks, early 2000s emo/screamo music, space, ghosts [color=7070CC]☒[/color] Spending too much money on food or clothes, lettuce, expensive coffee, summer, heels, people pointing out her eating habits [color=7070CC]✧[/color] ✧ [color=7070CC]✧[/color] Romi and her father have spent the majority of her life traveling the world, and she has ticket stubs and maps of the most memorable places stored in a scrapbook that is incredibly important to her. [color=7070CC]✧[/color] ✧ [color=7070CC]✧[/color] Her hands and fingers often shake. This is due to the nerve damage in her hands from a bad car accident a few years prior. [color=7070CC]✧[/color] ✧ [color=7070CC]✧[/color] She snorts when she truly laughs or laughs really hard, and tries (terribly) to cover it up. [color=7070CC]✧[/color] ✧ [color=7070CC]✧[/color] Never seen without her coffee fix. [sub][b] [color=7070CC]t r í v í α[/color] [/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=BFAFB2]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [sub][color=7070CC] ➽[/color]➽[color=7070CC]➽[/color] She's always preferred black coffee over something that is expensive or far too sweet. [color=7070CC] ➽[/color]➽[color=7070CC]➽[/color] Her father gave her the nickname Romi when she was a child. [color=7070CC] ➽[/color]➽[color=7070CC]➽[/color] Most content wearing a pair of boyfriend jeans, t-shirt, jacket, and converse. Oftentimes, she will wear things until she can no longer patch up the holes in them. Choosing rather to be thrifty with her clothes- only considering spending money on things like her hair and piercings. [color=7070CC] ➽[/color]➽[color=7070CC]➽[/color] Romi has Dahlia piercings (dimple piercings) to accentuate a feature she likes about herself. [color=7070CC] ➽[/color]➽[color=7070CC]➽[/color] She is the author and narrator of a popular nosleep podcast titled "Hear No Evil"- having decided to pick up the horror podcast hobby after she was no longer able to pursue her passion of being a tailor after her accident. [color=7070CC] ➽[/color]➽[color=7070CC]➽[/color] She can speak three languages (English, French, and Chinese), and has an interest in learning many more because from her experience, it's always been easier to live in a place if she knew how to speak the language. [color=7070CC] ➽[/color]➽[color=7070CC]➽[/color] For many years, her scrapbook has been her only real place of solace. [color=7070CC] ➽[/color]➽[color=7070CC]➽[/color] Romi eats at least 4000-7000 calories a day and has never gained a single pound. [color=7070CC] ➽[/color]➽[color=7070CC]➽[/color] Carries around a pendant that her grandmother gave her as a good luck charm. [color=7070CC] ➽[/color]➽[color=7070CC]➽[/color] She doesn't know this, but her "immune disease" was fabricated by her father. She is perfectly healthy other than the nerve damage to her hands which can be (mostly) healed through physical therapy. [/sub] [sub][b] [color=7070CC]в í σ g r α p h ч[/color] [/b][/sub] [sub][sup][color=BFAFB2]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [hider=][color=BFAFB2] Andromeda- or Romi as her family calls her- grew up in the shadow of her seven, nearly identical sisters. Born with a disease that left her immune system weak and susceptible to illness (or at least so she was told), she grew up sheltered from the outside world. Her father took it upon himself to take care of her, and at the age of five, she began to live with him rather than the large gaggle of girls she was familiar with. He claimed that her mother ran off with another woman who had pushed him out. The two of them have moved from place to place every few years, and she became used to being on the go. It was always somewhere that was crowded with public transit, and she grew used to taking the train or bus on her own everyday- even despite all her health problems. Romi took up needlecraft, and enjoyed it greatly. Just like her coffee, she was never without a needle in her hand doing some kind of fancy embroidery. The girl's dream one day was to be a great tailor- someone who could make a name for herself with just her needlework. Her father became a helicopter parent that pushed the girl to do better, and as a result she allowed her grades to remain average. His helicopter parenting style gave her little privacy, and she found herself turning away from him, and further into her own interests. She told him very little for fear that he would try to push her into something she didn't like. One night, her father was driving intoxicated down the highway, and didn't see an oncoming car until it was far too late. The collision totaled both vehicles, but thankfully everyone in them was alive. With Romi being the recipient of most of the damage, and to her hands no less. After being rushed to the hospital and treated, her father was taken into custody, slapped with his last DUI, and had his license suspended. The girl's next of kin was contacted, which happened to be her paternal grandparents. Almost instantly, they were able to obtain custody of Romi, and moved her to San Junipero- a city in the large suburbia that was Toronto. She couldn't explain why, but it just felt right to be there. This was the first time that she'd had a chance to settle down. At first it was an adjustment, but her grandmother was a patient woman who loved her granddaughter. The woman gave her an interest into the occult, and had eased her into a public school for the rest of her middle school career. Andromeda had her eyes set on a different school for high school, and had worked her butt off to get into Arcadia. There was a magnetic pull to the school for her, and she had to throw herself into something to keep from lamenting over the limited usage in her hands after the accident. [/color][/hider] [/cell][/row][/table][/color][hr]