On their way back home, Sora had to seek support from his sister to be able to walk. He couldn't help but keep on looking at the sleeping fellow in one of his cards. Why was he so stupid to believe Haruto? Why did he think Haruto would go easy on him? Why did he even go out to battle? He sighed deeply out of frustration. [color=cornflowerblue]"I guess I only have one coin left, huh."[/color] He whispered, almost inaudible, but just loud enough to be heard by Rui and Lumia. [color=cornflowerblue]"You know what? Maybe it's better to lose this stupid game. That way, I don't have to worry about winning or losing and I've already lost most of my most precious memories anyways."[/color] He said with a sad smile on his face. He really thought he meant those words, but a little voice in his mind kept on reminding him what his wish was, how important his wish was. He couldn't handle the pressure anymore, the betrayal of his best friend and the shame of losing so badly really got to him. That's why he wanted that little voice to keep quite, why he NEEDED it to keep quite. So he kept on going. [color=cornflowerblue]"Who will miss me if my personality disappears? Not okaasan (mother) or otousan (father). My friends will find someone else to take my place and we haven't been close in years."[/color] The moment those last words came out of his mouth, he regretted it. He shouldn't have said those words out loud, but he did and he couldn't take them back. Well, he could, but that would be lying and he couldn't lie to his sister, could he? [color=cornflowerblue]"I will find another dream."[/color] He declared, not at all convinced of that statement himself. When Rui and Sora arrived at home, their parents were waiting on them. They wanted to make sure that Rui was alright, so she could go back to study, and they wanted to yell at Sora for disturbing his sister's studying. A normal person of his age would be sad and would possibly cry, maybe they would even be depressed, but Sora didn't care about their yelling. What he actually cared about, was that it was the first time in a long while that his parents were talking to him. Actually talking to him, instead of giving him some sort of command without even looking at him. He was even glad and happy to hear his parents yell. For that reason, a big smile appeared on his face, which made his parents even angrier. [color=cornflowerblue]"I am going to my room, okaasan, otousan."[/color] He said, completely ignoring his sister after all that had happened and not waiting for his parents to answer. He ran upstairs, towards his room, threw himself on the bed and started to cry. Wolf's card lied on the pillow, right next to Sora's head, but Wolf was still sleeping. [color=cornflowerblue]"I guess my wish is not meant to come true after all."[/color]