[center][h2]Astella, I’Iro, Orynn, An-Clastophon & Lonn[/h2] Starring in… [h1]Pipe Fixers[/h1][/center] [hr] [hr] It had been a long journey though the burning skies of a crumbling world. The irradiant turquoise trail that Nalmepror left behind was dwarfed by the sickly red aurora that surrounded them. I’Iro hadn’t expected to find living creatures in her travels, but through rifts in space-time many had appeared and on the sinking lands below many ancient monsters and lost souls still roamed. They did make her curious, but any approach was impossible, as Nalmepror was at its limits and without him she assumed she would simply sink down in the world of void, flames and monsters. Only after traveling half a world, when she started to doubt how factual the broadcasted coordinates towards a safe haven were, despite those being imprinted to the very core of her being, did she finally see the last anchor of Galbar, the last surviving continent. The dry wastelands, the burning ground, the ruins, the clashing of storms, it was all terrible, yet still miles better than the floating burning plasma that was taking hold of all else. While most of the horizon was featureless, one single location rose above all others, Mons Divinus. Namelpror did something closer to crashing than landing, the damaged machine dragon at its absolute limit. All the noise and chaos drowned out a girly yelp. [code]Me di ard. Er cheurde sueb[/code] It is fine, you can rest, she said, letting the loyal beast finally rest as she dismounted it and looked around the peak. There was another strong presence there, like many others within the continent, divine presences not unlike I’Iro. At this distance, she was close enough that her understanding of said energy included core information of that being: Astella, Goddess of Illusions. [code]Greetings[/code] the dream goddess said as she approached the other divine, who looked frazzled even as she protectively embraced the writhing form of a small white kitten, with gentle steps, taking a moment to notice what else accompanied her, from the rock blocking the water stream to the small furry white creature. [color=salmon]”H-Hello?… A-hem,”[/color] the black haired, tan Goddess cleared her throat, her appearance fixing itself in the blink of an eye. [color=salmon]”For some reason, I know your name. Iro, right? Are you here to move this stone, too? I think it’s blocking an important source of water… I tried to move it myself but it was too big and heavy for just me.”[/color] [code]Calling me Iro is fine. And no. I came here in search for a continent that was not in the process of being pulverized. However it seems like this world is in extreme need of a proper water resource to be better suited for carbon based organic life. As such it is of my interest to aid you in this task.[/code] she explained in her deadpan tone. [color=salmon]”Well, we’ve got to do everything we can in order to save whatever’s still alive, so thanks. Do you really think we can move it with just the two of us, though? I don’t really have any flashy telekinesis or anything. It’d probably take me years just to lift that thing.”[/color] Astella shrugged and ran her free hand through her shoulder-length hair, staring at I’Iro. As the other divine spoke, I’Iro slowly approached the cat with a sense of curiosity, trying to match the visual input to anything in her memory. [code]I believe with my raw strength we could lower the estimate from more than a decade to perhaps seven solar years.[/code] Upon hearing that, Astella let out a sound like a mix of a chuckle and an annoyed sigh. [code]Admittedly the lack of a sun makes the measurement of time through the frame of a solar year somewhat complicated. It is also why I cannot have Namelpror help us with this task as he would need a source of sunlight to properly gather energy. Namelpror being the dragon which is resting approximately 30 degrees from where you are looking at.[/code] she said while squatting in the ground to better scan Snowie, who by now was curiously looking back at I’Iro with her paws outstretched and swatting wildly. Astella turned exactly thirty degrees to see the majestic metallic dragon, grinned awkwardly and then gave I’Iro a sideways look. [color=salmon]”Namelpror, huh? Where did that name come from?”[/color] She asked. [code]Namel means radiant and pror is wings in the language of the civilization we came from. The name predates my existence but it is a reasonable nickname given the prismatic look of his crystalline wings.[/code] I’Iro explained, to which Astella nodded with a low hum while briefly looking down at Snowie in her arms and chuckling as she gently grabbed her with both hands and offered her to I’Iro. I’Iro was surprised with the turn of events, accepting the small creature in her soft, if a bit cold, embrace. [color=salmon]”That’s Snow, I found her at the foot of this Mountain. Don’t worry if she gets a little rough, she is very energetic.“[/color] Astella said with a warm smile. [code]Oh greetings.[/code] I’Iro said to the cat, starting to gently rub the back of her head with her free hand. [code]Do you enjoy this? It seems to be increasing the amount of serotonin in your bloodstream.[/code] Snowy responded in the most intellectual way a cat could--She meowed loudly, and after a few moments her whole body started vibrating softly as she began to purr with half-closed eyes. Astella meanwhile grinned and frowned at the same time, a bead of sweat dripping down her forehead. [color=salmon][i]”Serotonin…?”[/i][/color] She muttered. [hr] Throughout it all, from the arrival of the dragon-riding dream deity to the interaction with the cat, a figure watched. Abject fascination had rapidly turned to something far more ambitious as the events unfolded before it. A crimson red gaze jolted from point to point, absorbing every feature and every action as gears turned and conclusions were reached. The figure had, admittedly, been there for some time; even before I’Iro arrived, it had been silently observing. Drawn by the magical nature of the wellspring and utterly consumed by an awareness of opportunity present within its depths, how could it have refused that siren song? Plans and schemes and ambitions rolled up nicely unto one another as the potential for far grander things down the line proved just too juicy to deny. [color=ed1c24]“At last! Others!”[/color] the figured called, stepping out from behind a spur of boulders he most certainly hadn’t been hiding behind for hours, [color=ed1c24]”I was beginning to think I was the only one!”[/color] The man who presented himself looked utterly disheveled, with a wild shock of orange hair and yellowish eyes that sparkled with excitement despite the deep, dark bags that hung beneath them. A scattering of freckles flew across the center of his face and over his nose, and despite his dirtied complexion there was honest joy in his visage. Across his personage were strewn an eclectic assortment of clothes, stacked on top each other in adhoc layers. Though wearing gloves the man went shoeless, his toes grimy with dust and muck, with pants reaching down to the middle of his calves. Finally, a pair of carven-bone shades sat on his head with thin slits running across their face, clearly to control some of the baleful lights creasing the sky. A faint red glow emanated from the man but only gently, a kind corona that hinted at his evidently divine nature. [color=ed1c24]”I could scarcely trust my senses when I felt you here but lo; here you are!”[/color] As he rounded the crest of the hill he looked down and in one instant, he beamed a smile unlike any other. The teeth were entirely symmetrical, a clean ivory-white, and were perfectly aligned. If anything was notable about the man, it was the damned smile. The unshapely angles of his face, the grungy look of his clothes, even the muck ground into his toes and fingers, meant nothing compared to that divine grin. Eyes twinkled for a moment with an almost ferocious nature but near-instantly returned to a good natured gleam. [color=ed1c24]”I’m Lonn.[/color] Astella turned away and ran an exploratory finger across her teeth before furrowing her brow, huffing and wiping the finger dry. [color=salmon]”I’m Astella,”[/color] She finally said and made a popping sound with her lips, before nodding towards I’Iro. [color=salmon]”The one holding Snow is Iro. We’re both Goddesses, I take it you’re one, too?”[/color] [code]Greetings[/code] I’Iro added with a polite nod. An inquisitive gaze passed across the pair of goddesses as the corona of red flashed for a moment and the lightest sparks of carmine danced on otherwise yellowed eyes. Lonn’s smile remained undimmed and he gave what was nearly a flourishing bow but stopped short as if his knee was aching. Feigning a wince, he stood back up and offered a passionate wink. [color=ed1c24]”Well, not a Goddess; although, I suppose that IS a matter of perspective.”[/color] There was legitimate mirth in his voice that almost made his tone warble and flutter, like he was on the brink of a friendly chortle. Again his smile flashed, somehow wider yet still equally symmetrical with the perfect tooth to gum ratio. [color=ed1c24]”If God is what we’re calling ourselves, if that is indeed the name of our kind, I suppose I am one. Regardless, what I am now is a friend. Though, I am curious; what exactly has you so fixated on this place?[/color] [color=salmon]”Oh, me? Let’s just say that trying to push massive stones is more difficult than I expected. Stil, we all have to do our part if we’re to live in a better world one day, right? Most living creatures need water to survive, and this big rock is blocking a source of it.”[/color] Astella pursed her lips for a moment, [color=salmon]”Is your knee injured, by the way? I can make the pain go away if you wish. I can’t heal you, but at least it won’t be uncomfortable anymore.”[/color] Lonn nearly imperceptibly cocked his head to the side, lips pursing slightly in surprise. It was a generous offer, to be sure, but one that he knew was ultimately irrelevant; he WAS lying, afterall. His smile returned in its full, beaming strength to renew that sense of kindness as he expressed his gratitude. [color=ed1c24]”Oh! What a kind offer. No, no, I will be fine; it is better to live with our scars, I think. How else can we learn, eh? It will better itself with time or it was never meant to be bettered in the first place. But… perhaps I can return that generosity. I could, for instance, assist you with this endeavor of yours. Honestly, it would be my [i]pleasure[/i].[/color] Astella raised an eyebrow [i]very[/i] slightly. [color=salmon]”Well, any ideas? No offense, but I don’t think someone with a bad knee should push that thing. It might make your injury worse if you try.”[/color] I’Iro nodded in agreement, although she was quiet she was paying keen attention to the conversation. [code]Although his bodily condition could be unrelated to his proposed solution. Depending on what tools he has at his disposal. Though I admit I cannot sense anything in particular in relation to him. Likely due to all this electro-magnetic instability currently in the air. I even notice some radiation with no explanation. Which is peculiar. Don’t you think so Snowy?[/code] the dream goddess said while petting the cat, despite the little pet surely not being the best partner for conversations about physics. [code]Nevertheless. One more person to help us is surely to be beneficial.[/code] [color=ed1c24]”No need to worry,”[/color] Lonn assured them, waving a hand to discourage further questioning, [color=ed1c24]”I have means beyond simply pushing and pulling.”[/color] [hr] The An-Clastophon, meanwhile, was leaping across chaotic landscape; the monsters around her too slow to follow, with those in her way given passing wounds to remember her by. She ran with the rain, using it as a guide to her final destination. Tirelessly, a blur through the storm, the air around her compressing as it passed. Behind her, a sonic boom trailing with the fury of the physical world. She emerged from the clouds of the storm to an open sky no better than the skin-stripping rains. The sorry state of the world was clear. It did not matter anymore that she could not navigate by the rain -- the mountain towering in the distance was a far better indicator, especially given it was her ultimate destination. A black streak across the sky with each leap. The mountain grew quickly, and with a series of three more leaps, the An-Clastophon ascended to the peak. She came to a dead stop atop the rim, buffeted by the backlash of her own speed. Once sound finally caught up, the sonic boom rumbled across the mountain, as if an announcement of the An-Clastophon’s presence. By the time the air itself stopped wavering, what was left staring at the newly arrived Demigod were three people. One of them, a short, tan woman with blown back black hair, blinked slowly and sighed, before getting to fixing her appearance. Behind her, a snow white cat being held by a robotic-looking woman started whimpering and writhing. The An-Clastophon’s mouth slowly opened up, just enough to let her tongue through. The appendage was forked, and flicked at the air for a brief moment. Then, she spoke, in a raspy voice, [color=b2c7df]”I can smell the divinity. Whom are you all?”[/color] Lonn had remained entirely unmoved by the eardrum-popping detonation of the sonic boom, evidently very much inured to the sound of explosions. He was, however, far more interested with the arrival of the source. The creature, as that was the only reasonable term for the entity now before the trio of deities, stood several heads taller than him and was in every way blatant where Lonn was subtle. Even the briefest of observations revealed the An-Clastophon as an unequal adversary. Though he could taste the divine nature of the beast on the air, he knew it was but a facsimile of the real thing. How it came about, of course, was a far more valid curiosity. His smile beamed all the brighter for it. A look of surprise overcame his visage, eyes widening. [color=ed1c24]”Now that isn’t something you see every day…”[/color] mumbled Lonn to play into his surprise before taking up a more confident posture, [color=ed1c24]”I think the real question is, what are you?”[/color] The creature responded flatly, [color=b2c7df]”I am a servant of my god,”[/color] she paused, then, with another flick of her tongue, asked, [color=b2c7df]”I know what you are; but I still do not know who you are.”[/color] After a brief pause as the cogs bit deep in his head, eyes dancing across the figure, Lonn conceded and gave an odd hand flourish. [color=ed1c24]”Lonn.”[/color] [color=salmon]”I’m Astella. It’s a, uh, pleasure, to meet you.”[/color] [code]"How interesting that some gods already showcase behaviour such as the creation of hierarchies. I am I'Iro. Who is your master?[/code] The An-Clastophon softened as they answered her question, and turning to look at I’Iro, she answered, [color=b2c7df]“Even if I could tell you that, it’s ultimately irrelevant. If they had wished to reveal themself, they would have done so. As I am the sole point of contact, you will only need to know of me.”[/color] She then stepped off of the rim of the crater, letting herself slide down towards the plug and the pool of water at its feet. She said, [color=b2c7df]“To be more specific, what I am is the An-Clastophon -- who I am is undecided. The decision of naming is left to me alone, and I do not intend to be hasty with it.”[/color] She took a careful look at the plug, then explained, [color=b2c7df]“I have been instructed to assist you all. What are you doing here?”[/color] [code]This rock seems to be blocking a spring. It is our wish to remove it and as such establish a proper water supply to promote the liveability of the continent [/code] She nodded her head, flicking out her tongue once more as she said, “Well, seeing that you have water out already, you could try finding where it’s coming from and using that hole to pry up the whole rock.” I’Iro nodded and looked at the rock again. [code]Was your suggestion that we use hydraulic force to move the massive rock all at once? I believe the issue stopping such a plan is the fact the porous nature of the ground just does not create the environment for the water to pressurize.[/code] in deep thought the goddess moved away from the others and closer to the spring. [code]However. We could change that. Manipulating the flow of water by containing it in a barrier perhaps? This should increase the force of the waterflow until it moves or shatters the boulder.[/code] Astella furrowed her brow and cupped her chin, eyes closed. After a moment, she nodded. [color=salmon]”That might just work, now that we have many of us here.”[/color] With the help of the other gods, using their innate spatial and elemental control to manipulate their surroundings, I’Iro started her plan. First they would hold the rock into place as to stop the waterflow completely, then the dream goddess would focus to create a telekinetic barrier around the waterflow, to stop it from seeping into the ground and to make it go through an increasingly narrow tunnel, increasing pressure. Finally, the gods would focus on the water itself, increasing its temperature and speed. Soon, there was a boiling geiser to be under the rock, the sheer force trying to move the obstacle of the flow reaching absurd levels, to the point any water escaping from the system would likely leave with enough pressure to cut a human in half. It became clear just a bit more of this and the massive ancient boulder should crack… or outright explode, nevertheless, soon the water would be flowing freely again. The mountain itself began to groan from the immensity of the forces acting upon it, but the noise barely registered against the terrible din emanating from the stone as it shook violently atop the water source. Jets of mist blasted out without rhyme or rhythm launching little chucks of stone torn from the mass like bullets. The serenity of the mountaintop was disturbed by hideous noise and danger such that it drowned out all but the most urgent speech, and that came now in a request that cut through the cacophony effortlessly, [color=#f4743c][b] “Stop, please. You are making a mistake.”[/b][/color] As the deity leading the actions, I’Iro took the initiative to somewhat delay what she was doing by loosening the barrier and decreasing the pressure. [code]A mistake? What factors have led you to making such a statement?[/code] she questioned, turning to the voice she could easily identify as a god like herself and the others she had met. The An-Clastophon stood aside to let the two talk. [color=#f4743c]“Violence is a tool,”[/color] Observed the interloper. Now striding towards I’Iro he looked, in comparison to the group, rather unremarkable. The fit, seemingly human, man with warm brown eyes that matched his messy hair went on as he approached the Dream Goddess, [color=#f4743c]“One that rarely engenders compliance. Had you taken the time to consider your obstacle, you might have noticed that it could be reasoned with, in its own way. If it can be done, isn’t it better to get what you want without resorting to force?”[/color] The goddess looked back and forth, from the stone to the newly arrived god. A slightly metallic noise as she repeated the motion, until she stopped and simply shook her head. [code]It's a rock.[/code] she finally answered, clearly giving up, showing the most emotion since she arrived, eliciting a very loud smirk from Astella. [code]Am I missing some contextual cue here? Because. It is. A rock. An aggregate of mineraloid matter. Not that I am in any way attached to this current solution we devised. If you know a better way feel welcome to act as you wish.[/code] [color=#f4743c]“And I might have thought the Goddess of Dreams would know that there are things that can’t be seen with eyes alone.”[/color] The interloper chuckled to himself and gestured towards the stone, [color=#f4743c]“If you’d stop attacking the rock, please?”[/color] As the main motivator of everything was divine intervention, as soon as the gods stopped focusing on the water, it started to become tame again, pressure decreasing, more water than before seeping but far from the full potential of the spring. I’iro was somewhat bothered by the situation, especially with the implication that she was failing at her reason for existence. She had to make an effort to not allow such shallow thoughts and pettiness to cloud her mindset. [code]Very well. The previous project is now officially halted. Or rather. Cancelled. Please show me where I have deviated from the optimal solution.[/code] The man nodded to her and turned to the rock, stepping down to it and planting an open palm on its surface. There he stood, knee deep in the water released by the Goddesses intervention, when he started talking to the boulder, [color=#f4743c]“You’re stubborn. I see, not very nice? Well she doesn’t know, you’ll have to forgive her. We can have you guard something else, stem another flow as it were?”[/color] The god laughed at his own joke and nodded along to some unheard reply before he let go of the rock. He muttered a quick thank you, turned back to I’Iro, and announced, [color=#f4743c]“There, problem solved!”[/color] Astella, who was standing right next to I’Iro with slumped shoulders and a mix of an incredulous and exasperated look on her face, looked at the robo-goddess and whispered, [color=salmon]”He just talked to a rock... Does he think that the thing’s just gonna stand up and walk away?”[/color] I'Iro watched all of it with a sense of distress. It was a relief when Astella also showed confusion over the scene. She turned to her fellow goddess and nodded [code]This is all very confusing. This newly arrived god is… peculiar. I cannot follow his logic.[/code] By now Lonn had begun to disappear into the background, slowly but surely removing himself from the fore. One entity after another arriving had given him a sense that things were becoming far more active than he originally bargained for. The demi-god of the yet unnamed, distant deity in particular had set the stage for several conclusions about the other gods that Lonn was not entirely fond of. Regardless, the arrival of the newest interloper had proven enlightening. Though he didn’t immediately introduce himself or step in, step by step Lonn reentered the fray, uncanny yet ultimately undeniably perfect smile slowly returning. A pleased chortle echoed out of his throat, teeth parting to the exact distance to be mathematically heart warming; here was opportunity. [color=ed1c24]”Perhaps, friend, it just needs a little [b]motivation[/b],”[/color] announced Lonn, eyes sparking with electric intent, [color=ed1c24]”Let me have a hand at it.”[/color] With that Lonn pressed a hand to the stone and let forth several energistic shocks that danced and cascaded across the surface of the stone despite its intensely low conductivity. As it coursed across the form of the stone there was a crunch, followed by a crash, and a fair bit of crumbling. Stout but stunted limbs slowly pushed their way from the pillar’s surface and with considerable strain and effort the massive boulder began climbing its way free from the craterous prison. Spurting gouts of water burst forth as the titan rose, freeing the wellspring of water below. The An-Clastophon jumped out of the way, back onto the rim to avoid getting wet. [color=salmon]”... How? Is? That a thing?”[/color] Astella asked, rubbing her eyes a few times. As soon as it became clear that the sheer quantity of water that was just about to pour out would be immeasurable, Astella popped her lips and turned tail. She stopped to grab I’Iro’s free hand on her way to climb up the sides of the lakebed, of course. I’Iro did not have a proper comment for this situation, it defied the most basic data of her database. Instead, sensing the output of water was increasing exponentially, she was getting ready to focus and create a barrier to protect her and, more importantly, Snowy. She was caught by surprise by Astella catching her, the sudden movement causing her to drop the fire flower branch she had been holding without noticing she had lost the memento. Once upon the shore she turned to watch the forming fountain with Astella, creating a little barrier to keep the kitty dry. Lonn cackled as he stepped away with reasonable haste, watching with his beaming smile practically lighting up the area itself, [color=ed1c24]”Hahahah, Far-out![/color] [color=#f4743c]“While I appreciate the haste,”[/color] The Interloper commented to Lonn from the edge of the crater, having backed away during the chaos, [color=#f4743c]“That was a [i]tad[/i] harsh, wasn’t it?”[/color] In reply the immense golem, now lumbering up the side of the filling lake, groaned meaningfully. The man who’d been speaking to it nodded, [color=#f4743c]“It takes a little time to collect yourself and get up after an eon spent sleeping, you know.”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Buddy,”[/color] declared Lonn as he climbed up the edge and flashed that award winning grin at the other man-god. There was a flash of near manic excitement in his fiery eyes as he spoke, a tinge of that energy warbling his tone, [color=ed1c24]”You took the words right outta my mouth~!”[/color] The two exchanged looks as water welled up, reaching the edge of the forever crater, now lake, and spilling out without a sign of stopping. In a number of spots around the lake the rim started to collapse from the water rushing over its edge, and great rivers started to rush down the mountainside without any regard for what might be in their way. Astella squeezed I’Iro’s cold, unyielding hands and grinned at her, [color=salmon]”Wait here! Also, hand Snow to me!”[/color] After having her kitten in her arms, she ran around the rim of the Wellspring and up to the unknown God and the lumbering Golem. She spared a glance at the unnamed God and then stared at the Golem, her arms outstretched as she offered Snowy to it. [color=salmon]”This is Snow! She’s a cat and very delicate, want to hold her? Also, your name is now Brugh. You don’t have to thank me.”[/color] She declared proudly. The Golem, now Brugh, eyed the tiny goddess and her pet curiously. That was to say, it aimed its head in her direction and cocked it slightly. The walking boulder lacked a mouth to speak or a face to express its pleasure or lack thereof, but it seemed amenable enough to the proposition as it outstretched one great earthen hand for the cat. The appendage loomed before Astella, large enough that she herself could comfortably fit on it. Upon sniffing the pristine rock approaching her face, Snowy wrenched herself free from Astella’s hands and climbed up the Golem’s arm all the way to its head. She sniffed and sniffed and even bumped into the golem’s ‘face’ a few times. Eventually she settled on nibbling some of the moss that was growing along what would pass for its shoulder. Seemingly pleased with the company, and certainly safe from the water now moving down the mountain rather than towards it, Brugh sat down and left the cat to its business. The unnamed god regarded the golem fondly and thanked the Goddess, [color=#f4743c]“Well, look at that! Thank you, I’m sure [i]Brugh[/i] appreciates the company. And the name. Everybody does need one eventually.”[/color] Astella nodded enthusiastically, looking like she was about to make her lips pop once more before thinking twice about it. [color=salmon]”Yes, yes. It is a good name, person-without-a-name. It really is. You know, I can make you think you’ve always had a name, if you want. Buuut now, me and Snowy have to get back to Iro. I don’t trust her enough to not leave us stranded here, you know. See ya!”[/color] She waved at him with a small hop and Snowy, as quickly as she could with her small legs, made her way back to Astella’s shoulder. Then, the short Goddess left. [hider=Summary] The post starts with I’Iro arriving at the clogged Wellspring by crashing her dragon. She meets a frazzled Astella and the two of the meet each other’s pets. Lonn joins the two of them as they start to talk about the stone clogging the Wellspring. After that, the An-Clastophon appears, a sonic boom from it breaking the sound barrier sweeping through the crowd and leaving Astella even more frazzled. The four of them start working on a plan to break the Stone by divinely increasing the water pressure under it. The plan’s working, slowly forming cracks along the stone, until Orynn himself appears and gets them to stop. He then goes up to the stone and talks to it, then Lonn does the same, and then the Stone becomes a Golem and frees itself from the hole that is the Wellspring. Water immediately rushes out, so everyone races to safety. In the process, I’Iro loses her special tree branch. We now have a really big lake at the top of Peak Notlympus, along with a few massive rivers overflowing from several sides of it and pouring down the mountain without any regard for whatever may be in their path. [/hider]