Beckham was poised and ready for some battling. In his pep, he inadvertently kicked a rock into a Rookidee, angering it and making it cry for the rest of its flock. The Rookidee flock was accompanied by a larger, black bird as well. [i]"Rookdiee, the Tiny Bird Pokémon. A Flying-Type. Jumping nimbly about, this small-bodied Pokémon takes advantage of even the slightest opportunity to disorient larger opponents." "Corvinight, the Raven Pokémon. a Flying and Steel-Type, and Rookidee's fully evolved form. This Pokémon reigns supreme in the skies of the Galar region. The black luster of its steel body could drive terror into the heart of any foe."[/i] Beckham screamed in terror as he ran back toward his trainer and did a running slide between Liam's legs for hiding. "Smaug! It's time to shine!" Liam called out his Charizard whose Roar frightened most of the Rookidee away, and more scattered when Smaug used Flamethrower on Corvinight. One Rookidee fell to the ground while the rest of the flock flew away in terror. Liam ran over to check on the fallen Pokémon and he noticed it was an unusual color, much like Attrocitus and Sherlock, Liam's Gyrados and Alakazam respectively. It seemed as though it wasn't really hurt it just was frightened and fell to the ground. it sprang up and blinked wildly as its surroundings before flying off. It went to a tree on the edge of Liam's vision where Corvinight poked its head out, squawked at the Rookiedee and smacked it away with Steel Wing. Smaug swooped over and caught it and brought it back to Liam. The Rookidee had a bruise on it's head as it fought back tears from the pain. While Liam was calming it down so he could look at it having pulled his first aid kit from his bag, Beckham was once again playing with empty balls from out of Liam's bag, accidentally kicking a Luxruy Ball at the Rookidiee. The yellow bird was sucked in and the ball shook three times before pinging shut. "You don't see that every day," Liam commented as his Pokédex notified him about Rookidee being registered to it.