[hider=Torbjørn Varg, Communicator of Baldur] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/580DMM7/cmcgreg-1.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210411/b2de7173ccf9f72473af2150f9bd044d.png[/img] ᛏᛟᚱᛒᛃᛟᚱᚾ ᚢᚨᚱᚷ [h2][color=2D5CAE][ BASICS ][/color][/h2][hr][/center] [color=2D5CAE][b][ NAME ][/B][/color] Torbjørn (Tor) Varg [color=2D5CAE][B][ AGE ][/B][/color] 24 [color=2D5CAE][B][ GENDER ][/B][/color] Male [color=2D5CAE][B][ COMMUNICATOR OF ][/B][/color] Baldur [color=2D5CAE][B][ MYTHOLOGY OF BALDR (BALDUR) ][/B][/color] Baldur is the son of Odin and Frigg. One night he had a nightmare in which he foresaw his own death. When his mother, Frigg, dreamt the same dream, the gods decided to act. Determined to forestall her son’s death, Frigg approached all things living and inert within creation, making them promise never to harm her son. Loki, the trickster god, heard of Baldur’s immunity to harm and found it displeasing. Taking the form of a woman, Loki managed to get Frigg to concede that she had not demanded the oath from a humble sprig of mistletoe. Loki then fashioned a spear made of mistletoe. Knowing that the other gods were hurling spears at Baldur to test his immunity, Loki handed Hodr, Baldur’s blind brother, the spear made of mistletoe. Hodr then hurled the spear and mortally wounded Baldur. [url=https://mythopedia.com/norse-mythology/gods/baldur/]Mythopedia[/url] [center][hr][h2][color=2D5CAE][ APPEARANCE ][/color][/h2][hr][/center] [color=2D5CAE][B][ PHYSIQUE ][/B][/color] Tor is gifted athletically. His shoulders are broad and his limbs are slightly longer than average for his height. Outside of a strong physical appearance, he has two other remarkable features: a jagged scar on his right forearm (a lasting reminder of an attack by a large canine) and a tattoo of [i]Ægishjálmr[/i], or the Helm of Awe, centered on his back between the shoulder blades and approximately 8” in diameter. He has icy blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, and a gravelly voice. [color=2D5CAE][B][ HEIGHT / WEIGHT ][/B][/color] 5’8” // ~150lbs [center][hr][h2][color=2D5CAE][ PERSONALITY ][/color][/h2][hr][/center] [color=2D5CAE][B][ PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION ][/B][/color] Tor is a man of few words. He mainly keeps to himself and can be rather brooding at times. In a nutshell, his personality is that of someone who is an ISTJ: [indent][indent]ISTJs don’t make many assumptions, preferring instead to analyze their surroundings, check their facts and arrive at practical courses of action. ISTJ personalities are no-nonsense, and when they’ve made a decision, they will relay the facts necessary to achieve their goal, expecting others to grasp the situation immediately and take action. ISTJs have little tolerance for indecisiveness, but lose patience even more quickly if their chosen course is challenged with impractical theories, especially if they ignore key details – if challenges becomes time-consuming debates, ISTJs can become noticeably angry as deadlines tick nearer.[/indent][/indent] That being said, if approached with a problem Tor will analyze it objectively and carry out the solution in a steadfast manner. He is able to approach most situations with a level head. Throw someone inexperienced, or, well, just plain stupid into the mix and Tor won’t be afraid to go his own way. Being a man of few words, he cannot stand loquacious company. Idle chatter is something that has always irritated him. Unless you have something meaningful to say, it’s best to keep it to yourself. But, this can be said about him… just when you think you know how he will react, he will surprise you. You think he might not care when in reality he cares deeply. [color=2D5CAE][B][ LIKES / DISLIKES ][/B][/color] Likes: [list] [*]Travel [*]Protecting anyone in need (Not always necessarily helping anyone in need, if that makes sense.) [/list] Dislikes: [list] [*]Feeling out of control [*]Manipulation [/list] [center][hr][h2][color=2D5CAE][ BIOGRAPHY ][/color][/h2][hr][/center] [color=2D5CAE][B][ PLACE OF ORIGIN ][/B][/color] Bergen, Norway [color=2D5CAE][B][ BIO ][/B][/color] Tor is no exception when it comes to the tragic background story… so, let’s begin. Tor’s mother and father were happily married the first few years of his life. Something changed in his mother, however, and so ended his happy childhood. His mother decided that she did not want to be tied down to a family, unable to do what she wanted at any given moment. Without so much as a hug or a kiss goodbye, mother packed one small suitcase and walked out of their lives forever. Many years went by and being motherless was just part of life. At about the age of sixteen was when Tor and his father immigrated to America. For the next four years Tor’s father would sporadically open up and date women, however, none of them worked out. Eventually his father’s health began to deteriorate, which Tor would learn was the result of how much his father’s heart ached all these years. Upon graduating from high school, Tor immediately entered the workforce to help support his father who could not work anymore and is now mute. A few years passed while he attempted to help his father obtain disability and during this time, he had a strange dream. A man who looked a lot like himself appeared and informed Tor that he was chosen to be his ‘communicator.’ It all seemed bizarre. In fact, when he awoke he had shaken the feeling and forgotten most of it. Later that day, while at work he was in an accident… an accident that should have killed him. Other than being knocked unconscious for a period, he was unscathed and returned home that night. As soon as Tor entered the front door he wanted to tell his father what happened. As he was removing his jacket, his father, whom was sitting in his usual spot in the living room, spoke. He spoke. The voice was foreign. Tor hadn’t heard that voice in years. Suddenly his story about what happened at work wasn’t important at all. His father told Tor about his mother that abandoned them, eyes unfocused and with a voice that was faraway. The news was shocking to say the least. What he learned was that his mother was a very well-known socialite. His father followed her life through the newspapers and now through social media. All these years he was always hopeful that she would return to them. He didn’t care if she apologized or not. He just wanted her to come back home. Then, he fell silent once again. Twenty some years had gone by without an ounce of hate or resentment toward his mother. As soon as silence filled the room, Tor’s heart filled with rage and bitterness. For all the hate and resentment that wasn’t there, it was revealed that it had been there all along. He knew this woman… he had seen her face in magazines and television. She was always smiling and throwing herself over men from all over the world. An image of this famous woman burned itself into Tor’s mind—an image of her smiling and carefree, nonetheless. He and his father struggled to pay rent from month to month, eating spam and other canned food while she adorned her neck with priceless jewelry. He truly hated this woman with every ounce of his body. [color=2D5CAE][B][ REASON FOR CHOICE ][/B][/color] Baldur saw himself in Torbjørn, not only because of their similar appearance, but because of their equal hatred for their mothers… which Baldur foresaw in a dream of his own. His serious reasons for choice are nothing more than those factors. On the other hand, the not so serious reasons are because Baldur finds humor in Tor's surname and the fact that Torbjørn goes by Tor (Thor). [center][hr][h2][color=2D5CAE][ POWERS ][/color][/h2][hr][/center] [list] [*] Invulnerability, except mistletoe. This power can be called upon for a very short amount of time (maybe 10-15 minutes) and about once every couple of days. Perhaps with time it could be used once a day but still for a short amount of time. [*] Unable to feel pain… or much of anything else, including pleasure. This too can only be called upon for short lengths of time; however, because it does not include invulnerability, it can be used once a day. [*] Enhanced strength—This enhanced strength is nothing Herculean. Large amounts of adrenaline triggers this power. Right now it grants him the strength of two adult men. [*] Light manipulation (Perhaps something that can be learned in the future.) [/list] [color=2D5CAE][B][ RELICS / FAMILIARS ][/B][/color] Updated after Tor's first IC post: Smooth stone with the Sol rune chiseled into it. Its powers are unknown at this time. [color=2D5CAE][B][ INVOCATION ][/B][/color] Tor is unable to invoke Baldur on command. Baldur instead chooses when to materialize through Tor. Because of their uncanny resemblance to each other, the only way to know when Baldur is acting through Tor is by the appearance of his numerous runic tattoos. Invocation will leave Tor without any strength for a long period. [hider=Baldur Invocation] [img]https://i.ibb.co/6NdnLsy/baldr.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=2D5CAE][B][ OTHER INTERESTS / SKILLS ][/B][/color] ** wip ** [center][hr][h2][color=2D5CAE][ MISC. ][/color][/h2][hr][/center] [color=2D5CAE][B][ BIRTHDAY / SIGN ][/B][/color] October 22[sup]nd[/sup] // Libra [color=2D5CAE][B][ FAVORITES / LEAST FAVORITES ][/B][/color] A bit fearful of canines (Only close confidants or keen observers know this.) [color=2D5CAE][B][ SEXUAL PREFERENCE ][/B][/color] Het // Not seeking at this time [/hider]