[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201230/264deacad166df42793591787dc3cbc9.png[/img][/center] [hr] Jax had no idea what caused him to suddenly rise up in the defence of Melissa. It wasn’t exactly something he would normally do. While he had no specific ill will towards the head cheerleader, he wasn’t exactly on her social radar, and as a result, ran in separate circles. If they ever did speak, the conversation was never social, more along the lines of being given orders. While Jax wanted to say to everyone that he didn’t mind the people of Liberty High attending Rosefell, maybe he did have some kind of subconscious bias. More than likely, it was probably due to the fact that someone has tried to just waltz in and remove Melissa from her throne. Jax liked order in things, and a sudden change in the social hierarchy wouldn’t be good for Jax. While Melissa never treated him like a knight, things could be alot worse. He had no idea how this ‘Miki’ character would treat Jax, so maybe that was why found himself there, fists raised, attempting to defend a fellow schoolmate. Not that Jax actually was useful. He managed to stand toe to toe with Jackson for a good few seconds before getting headbutted right in the nose. Jax’s vision became shafted and all the colours blurred for a moment, almost like someone was smacking an old tube style TV. Jax staggered back as Jackson threw him aside, but by some miracle, he didn’t fall over. His nose hurt. Really hurt. He could feel the pain pulsating over and over again while also feeling a thick liquid drip from his nostrils. Looking down at his shirt, he could see it was blood. Oh god. Blood. It was a pretty thick stream too, but at this point, between the throbbing and the out of focus vision, blood was his last worry. With his vision coming back, he noticed that Dee had kindly offered to deal with that arsehole, but that left Melissa open. Jax would walk right back up to the side of Mel with his fists raised, just incase someone else tried to get involved and go for her. Just ignore the blood. [color=#F3FF18]”Don’t worry…. I got your back”[/color] He sputtered out, taking a deep breath through his nose to try and stop the dripping blood.