[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/4509341e-a705-49ba-90b9-1258ac71b375.png[/img][/center] The space panther pounced over the destruction that was left behind and entering a comfortable stride they started to leave Sherman Square. Riding the large beast into the new area, Cadence could feel the uncomfortable tightness in her chest. She didn't know if this spell was actually going to work or how well it would if it did. Taking a quick peek behind, she looked to see if she could see Muerte following them on his bike. She didn't want to admit it to anyone let alone herself, but she was starting to feel like she was in something way over her head. Looking forward, she found herself in luck as she wouldn't have to wait too much longer to know if her spell had worked. It seemed like a battalion of aliens had landed in their area and were now moving out to see if they could find any humans. It was just unfortunate for them that they would meet her and her friends. It seemed as if a few had heard the sounds of her approach as they arrived into the area, as they turned to look at the oncoming threat. Others had not been so aware, and were still busy looking through the rubble for any hiding citizens. It didn't matter though, because as soon as Cadence's bright green eyes caught sight of them the same fate befell all of them. Their bodies suddenly seized up as the familiar neon green light shone, and then from where her eyes gazed upon them the grey colour of stone started to appear. Their flesh turned from stone bit by bit until it covered their whole bodies, often ending with the terrified face of an alien who knew it was too late for them. Cadence stared at the massacre she had just caused, and her faux confident smile instantly was replaced with one of hesitance. She knew that they were the enemy, and she knew she had to do this to save the lives of the people around her but she couldn’t help the feeling that she was doing something wrong.