[@Romero] [color=0054a6][h1] [center]Benjamin Marcus Zebrowski [/center][/h1][/color] As Ben made his way down the street, he would make himself smaller while walking past the occasional denizens walking the other way. He was never really a people person, as a child, he didn’t have many friends. He would spend most of his time reading books or playing pretend by himself. While walking he was becoming more annoyed that it was a huge possibility there was no carriage. He stopped walking, standing in front of the path in front of the forest. He started rubbing the bridge of his nose, making a noise of annoyance. “[color=0054a6]What the hell[/color].” He muttered under his breath, kicking some dirt creating a small dust cloud. When he noticed the sudden appearance of a strangely dressed figure in front of him. He was understandably quite startled. He had his arm reeled back getting ready to punch the stranger, but luckily he stopped himself and pulled a handkerchief out of his jacket pocket. “[color=0054a6]Sweet Jesus, didn’t your mother tell you not to scare people like that[/color].” When he finished wiping some of the sweat from his forehead, he put the handkerchief back in his jacket pocket. He assumed that she was going to Wilde Hall, although he felt stupid for not wearing a costume. He was glad he had bought a cheap mask beforehand. “[color=0054a6]Are you going to Wilde Hall too[/color]?” He asked her curious reasons this weirdo was going to Wilde Hall. He wondered if he was hallucinating somehow, he wondered if his coffee was spiked with something.