[h1][color=8dc73f]Paratiri (Storms)[/color][/h1] [b]The village of Lililia[/b] At some point or another Paratiri became very bored of simply creating storms. While she enjoyed the sight she wanted to see more people reacting to it. That is when she noticed how the world was filled with the presence of other gods, which was good as it would be very boring if she was the only god that existed. The great storm bird set flight towards were many such gods were gathering but at some point became distracted as she in the sky she saw the sight of a very interesting village. It was a big one, bigger than any other she had seen in the wasteland so far, at least thirty people and even some animals. She couldn't help but dive down towards it to see if the mortals here would be more friendly than the last weirdo she had met. The mortals of the village of Lililia in turn were terrorized by the sight of the huge harpy going straight for their homes, many screaming or fleeing, windows and doors shutting while others prayed for the gods to save them from the creature. [color=8dc73f]"Aww how cute they are praying! And look, so many of them are so shy they hide from me. Calm down little mortals, I mean no harm! I am Paratiri the Storm! Worship me and I will help you, as I am a generous goddess!"[/color] The mortals needed more than a little while to fully understand what was happening. There was little to give credence to what Paratiri was saying but the fact she was not trying to destroy them was enough for them to start to believe that at least she meant no harm. Probably. Goddess or not, she was big and mean-looking enough to be of some use for them. "Oh, great storm goddess. We of the proud village of Paratiri welcome you into our homes! We have been praying for a solution to our problems, our village is being raided by many dark creatures coming from magical portals in the nearby caves and forests! Many of us have been killed or kidnaped by such fiends. If you could vanquish them, we would be eternally grateful! We would offer you anything you desire in sacrifice, our wealth, our food..." the leader of the village approached the goddess to whisper. "Even human sacrifices if you wish, just saying, the daughter of the Rosery family is looking ripe for a blood ritual." [color=8dc73f]"Dude what the hell..."[/color] the goddess shook her head. [color=8dc73f]"Cough. I meant to say. No need for sacrifices puny, weak, ugly little mortals! I will destroy these fiends for you and I wish in return is that you remember my act of great, and might I say, badass heroism, and forever cherish my goodwill. Also maybe a few statues! A few statues would be definitely nice!"[/color] Paratiri looked around searching around for all the anomalies in the region, noticing there were many. As much as she enjoyed a good fight, it would be boring to have to go in each and every single one of them, and there was the danger one would raid and destroy the village while she was dealing with another one. [color=8dc73f]"So! In my great generosity, I will give you protector guardians who will keep your village safe."[/color] she blushed before continuing her announcement. [color=8dc73f]"Just give me a moment, I can't do it right here you know? And no peeking, I WILL smite you, okay?"[/color] The villagers were left confused as the goddess walked away into the nearby forest and vanished from their sight. After a little while, she returned carrying two eggs, which she placed at the center of the village. [color=8dc73f]"Soooooo, ahem."[/color] she sighed, still blushing. [color=8dc73f]"I call forth two guardians to secure the humans of this village!"[/color] One of the eggs hatched, revealing a half woman half bird of athletic body, looking almost like a child of the goddess but with a smaller and more mobile build. [hider=Zephyra] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/b7e48442-b2c0-41ac-bab3-6202ebcedcf9.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=8dc73f]"This is uh... Zephiris! Yeah. Ain't she cute?[/color] The other egg broke too, from it rose a less humanoid creature, a great human-faced winged lion. [hider=Azibu] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/fb8bf3d5-2698-4dd0-bcf9-b07017d6b587.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=8dc73f]"Ahhh?[/color] the goddess said in confusion, she wasn't a pro at creating spawns but that was a bit different from what she had in mind. [color=8dc73f]"aaa....zibu. Azibu. The ssss...sphinx. Yeah. Hey there! Good to see you![/color] "I will serve you with all my wisdom, brood mother." the sphinx said. Zephiris didn't introduce herself as she became distracted with a shiny metal tool a farmer was carrying. [color=8dc73f]"Don't call me mom like that you are making me feel old and I am not even a day old yet."[/color] the goddess whispered. [color=8dc73f]"Anyway! I will be going now, off to fight otherwordly devils. Look after the villagers okay?"[/color] [b]Coilbrywen[/b] The goddess yawned as she called forth another fearsome wave of thunder to fry anything that dared to move in the half-dead forest she was raiding. [color=8dc73f]"Humans had trouble with this stuff? Geez. We will need to set a training program or something, it's just shameful.[/color] the goddess complained as a dragon-shaped insect tried to for her, only to be ripped to pieces by a simple blow of wind from the goddess's mouth. This caused more trees to fall, making a weird rip in space-time become visible, in it the goddess saw the glimpse of a strange otherwordly place on the other side. [color=8dc73f]"Mmm! This should be fun!"[/color] she declared as she used her wings to increase the rip size and slip through. But as she arrived, she felt heavy, very heavy, for once she felt the massive size of her body. The wind in this misshaped otherwordly jungle was also far more rebellious, much of it not kowtowing to the goddess or respecting her authority. [color=8dc73f]"Whoa... A handicap huh? Should make it fun!"[/color] and as she said that, she was pounced by another of the dragon-shaped insects, this time it was a real fight, in which Paratiri had to use the full extent of the power remaining in her, wind, thunder, and her talons, to fully bring down the beast. At the end of it... she felt alive, a true battle was finally had! Even in this world, she could still beat the other creatures into submission, the storm was inescapable. As she fought more great creatures, small shadows started to scutter through the treetops and among the bushes, whispers in words unknown to her. The goddess barely noticed it and didn't care at all after all what could those small shadows do to a divine bird of her size? The response came soon, as all of the sudden, they, in unison, pounced her. From her hair to her wings, to her legs, and even her shoulders, small furred humanoids blitzed her. Some merely held to her, others outright tried to bite her. [color=8dc73f]"Owie, ouch! You little bastards, I will... ARGH!"[/color] as she tried to shake them off, she stepped backward, tripping, and falling over the portal she had come through initially, crash landing back onto her own dimension. With her powers restored, the goddess called forth winds strong enough to force the creatures off her, down to the ground or crashing against the trees and rocks. [color=8dc73f]"Now... Let me see these little bastards!"[/color] The small creatures were humanoid in nature but clearly not human. All of them had long furred ears and even longer tails. Some were fully covered in fuzzy fur, others merely had it in their limbs and other areas, most had goat-like legs but some had hand-like feet. None of them had died in the crash landing or when being beaten off by the goddess, showing their great durability. Sensing their situation, they soon started to gather in front of the deity, kneeling and kowtowing to her. [hider=Coilbrywen] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/0800d475-3dd2-4657-b4e6-37bd02f34a94.png[/img] Hands for feet is closer to monkey-people like [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/1172961e-a3c3-4169-b801-615c84d9d738.jpg[/img] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/71312533-4744-4bad-8ed3-253f410512f9.jpg[/img] [/hider] "Please! Do not harm us! O great deity! We just wanted to escape that terrible world!" the cutest, fluffiest one among them said, black dotty eyes shining with small tears forming. "We are sorry! We are very sorry! We didn't think this through! We were just desperate... that was such a horrible world we the Coilbrywen were stuck in for so long... and you looked like a ray of hope!" The goddess winced at those soft tearful words, then she remembered the biting [color=8dc73f]"Aw... Wait. No! You bit me! Many of you did! How would that help you leave huh?"[/color] The small one cringed at that, having to take a minute to think how she would explain that. "Ohhh.... that. Uh. It's a bit shameful to say. It is just that the goddess was so beautiful, posing such a magnificent, shapely body... we lost ourselves a bit. Ehehe. Something so pretty had to also be tasty right? And hungry like we were, some of us lost our mind and bit your delicate, smooth, skin. We are very sorry o great fearsome awesome and majestic goddess. We promise to never bite you again!" Paratiri closed one eye and focused on them [color=8dc73f]"So... no more attacking me? Will you also worship me from here onward.[/color] she asked. "Sure! Sure we will! You saved us after all!" they all nodded in unison at that. [color=8dc73f]"Mmm. Fine. Can't blame you, little mortals, for being so desperate. It also seems all this fighting was enough to close down this portal, so that is at least one to go! So we are set. You can stay in MY world if you want. Don't pounce me ever again."[/color] With that warning Paratiri left the forest, going towards the village to tell them of her victory. "So... what was the name of that goddess again?" one of the Coilbrywen "Meh who cares." another one answered, smirking. [b]Setbacks[/b] The goddess sighed deeply [color=8dc73f]"You Did WHAT?"[/color] The sphinx Azibu stared back at her unmoving. "Brood mother. I decided that looking after a creature as unwise as humans were too much of a struggle. I devised a plan to prune all but the wisest of them. I created a little riddle and a test, the ones who failed would be, well, devoured." [color=8dc73f]"You ATE everyone"[/color] "Well, that isn't really my fault, is it?" she yawned, quite sleepy after such a generous meal. [color=8dc73f]"Zephyra! Why did you allow this? And Azibu, don't go to sleep! Did you chew on them? Is anyone alive? Gods be damned I was set up to set my shrine here and you do that to me you little uncivil cat thing"[/color] "Me?" the winged woman said. "Oh me! Did something happen? I was collecting these shiny things." Using the tip of her wing bones to massage her temples the goddess sighed in pure annoyance. [color=8dc73f]"It's fine Paratiri, breath deeply, you can fix this. We will call some storms later to deal with this stress."[/color] she whispered to herself. [hider=Summary] 1: Paratiri arrives in a village called Lililia, offers to help them with their dimensional rift problem in exchange for worship. She lays two eggs from which two guardians hatch, Azibu the sphinx and Zephyra the harpy. 2: Paratiri fights many things and eventually goes into a rift, there she fights, but is ambushed by little creatures. She retreats back to her own world and is ready to fry the creatures but they beg for mercy. She lets them go, as such introducing the Coilbrywen species to Galbar 3: Paratiri returns to Lililia just to find all of its citizens have been devoured by Azibu. She is stressed. [/hider]