Nigel jolted awake, or rather he suddenly became aware of his surroundings. He wasn't sure if he was even awake at this point given the cloud over his senses but he was at least lucid for the moment. Getting his bearings, Nigel raised to his feet as he came to find he woke up laid on his back. A chill ran down his spine as his hands connects with the ground that felt more like flesh than earth or floor. "Right then. Let's see if we can't find our way out of here." Nigel said to himself, just so he could hear something and prove he hadn't gone deaf. With slow, cautious steps Nigel walked with his hands outstretched in the hopes of finding a wall to guide him out of this oppressive place. After a few minutes of hoping his eyes would at least adjust to the darkness, Nigel's hand connected with a surface similar to the mushy ground beneath him. His hand immediately recoiled from the soft wall, the texture being revolting to any sane person. Powering through it, Nigel ran his hand along the wall as he continued to make his way through the dark. The time in the dark got Nigel thinking, if only to take his mind away from the horrific present. His thoughts drifted from hobbies to life experiences but this thinking brought another harrowing revelation with it; there were significant gaps in Nigel's memories. He still retained a rough outline of his life prior to this pitch-black labyrinth but nearly all the specifics were now lost to him. Tears began to well in Nigel's eyes as his pace slowed and his mind began to slip into dark thoughts of never leaving this place. Just as Nigel was about to break something inside him seemed to hold him together. It wasn't a voice but it was to sophisticated to be just a feeling. The best approximation Nigel could come up with was an inner drive perhaps a fragment of his former life sending him a lifeline. In the blink of an eye Nigel's pace began to quicken once more, eyes focused on the darkness. His fear was still ever present, threatening to wear him down further, but a low and constant rage against the unknown of the situation kept Nigel ever defiant of the apparent fate forced upon him. After what felt like ages, Nigel's eyes began picking up a sliver of light. It felt blinding when he first saw it, a meter tall slit that allowed a small beam to slice through the darkness in front of it. Nigel stayed cautious as he kept running his hand along the mushy wall but his pace was all but a jog at the point. Finally coming to the slit of light, forceful hands dug themselves into the slit and began to tear away at the wall to let more of the light in and get Nigel out. Once sufficiently large enough, Nigel began to push his way through, feet first to his hopeful salvation. As he struggled to leave his prison, Nigel's eyes glanced back into the now better lit room and was met by a horrific sight. The floor, walls, and ceiling were all flesh; unidentifiable in origin but undeniably so. This was horrifying enough but the true horror came from the massive eyeball staring directly at Nigel, unblinking but always moving and jittering. Nigel felt frozen in place for a moment, unable to deal with the implications of what he has just seen. The all too familiar drive brought Nigel from his stupor, who in turn locked his own eyes onto the gaze of the massive eye and turning his face to a scowl. He continued to make his way out through the hole, refusing to break eye contact. Nigel jolted awake, or rather he suddenly became aware of his surroundings. This looked a lot more realistic now, wooden floors, cabinets and medical equipment that was familiar enough to convince Nigel he was awake. Fighting this conclusion was the multitude of small beings the shirked away from him as his eyes fluttered open. Nigel was drenched in sweat but the feeling was much more welcome than the feeling of a fleshy room of his dream. Nigel struggled to a sitting position and shakily hopped off his gurney, looking around the horrific state of the room he now inhabited. "Any of you lot awake?" Nigel asked into the stillness of the room, hopeful but not expecting much.