[hider=Quinn Lloyd][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210412/f6e1be914ae8213b7ff51f59bbaee0ad.png[/img] [img]https://img.wattpad.com/c1e4ed688eafba7ebc4ab7c160ab3c662a084a78/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f774136534869435a6a34654c37773d3d2d3931373035383032352e3136316662653430303866326435656231303930333337383235322e676966[/img][/center] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoK5BjlmGBY]This party's pretty boring, I don't think it's for me, Lucy's already passed out, she's on the spare settee.[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiqFZaM6XbA]And you can tell all your friends that I'll be dressed to the tens, and I won't make amends if you tell me I've had one too many drinks.[/url][/center] [color=9e005d]Name[/color] [indent]Quinn Alan Lloyd[/indent] [color=9e005d]Nicknames[/color] [indent]Q, Alan[/indent] [color=9e005d]Age[/color] [indent]20[/indent] [color=9e005d]Gender[/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=9e005d]Sexuality[/color] [indent]Bisexual[/indent] [color=9e005d]Relationship Status[/color] [indent]Single[/indent] [color=9e005d]Appearance Details[/color] [center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/378183351f2464ed66495067645fe02e/tumblr_mtjx3gWfQt1s2gpw3o1_500.gif[/img][/center] [center][b]5'11" | 149LBs | Brunette | Green Eyes[/b][/center] [indent]Quinn has always been too tall for his own good, with long legs and a thin frame, he doesn't look like much of a threat or like he can possibly hold as much liquor down as he does. He's narrow-framed, gangly and long without much muscle to speak of. He's very pale although he's covered in a scattering of freckles, blotchy, messy freckles that spot his face and body. He has sharp, youthful features and cat-like green eyes. He has dark eyelashes and thin eyebrows that can often be found raised questioningly into his hairline. Quinn has extremely messy, curly dark brown hair. He very rarely fixes this mop top up but it's come to sort of suit him and his demeanor. He tends to dress a line that borders on being grunge or [i]lazy[/i], he almost always wears black converse. He has no tattoos or piercings.[/indent] [color=9e005d]Personality Traits[/color] [center][b]Friendly + Good Listener + Empathetic + Intelligent + Charismatic + Devoted[/b][i] - Quick-tempered - Sarcastic - Reckless - Nihilistic - Rude - Moody[/i][/center] [indent]Quinn is a sarcastic young man with a bit of a viper’s tongue, he tends to speak in a way that borders on over-dramatic when it comes to using sarcasm. He’s prone to snippy comebacks, things that seem quite mean and inconsiderate of the feelings of those around him. He doesn’t seem to have a filter when he speaks, often saying what he feels with no heed for whether or not it’s ill-timed or badly put. He doesn’t believe in limiting his jokes which often make him… somewhat unlikable for those on the receiving end. It’s not been a stretch to call him “rude” or “mean”. He’s very emotionally unintelligent, not very good at understanding other people. He’s not so competent as a friend or someone to look to for guidance. He’s very good at listening however, it’s just very unlikely he’ll have any comments on the matter or any helpful advice. He’s very kind, someone who’s friendly, at least on a surface level. He’s easy to get along with if you’ve got the patience for him. He likes to keep things light-hearted, joking around and trying to get under the skin of people he deems “too serious”. He’s playful by nature and finds it hard to take things serious, even when the situation is… very serious. He’s extremely intelligent, finds it easy to work through most technical problems and doesn’t have any issue thinking outside the box. He’s very extroverted but doesn’t much like deep relationships, finding it hard to settle down or stay interested in one thing. Although, in love, he's quite devoted and almost single-minded. He’s quick to irritate and not someone you want to be on the bad side of. He’s also very prone to guilt. He tends to take things very seriously when they concern him or something he’s done. He’s nihilistic by nature due to depression. He’s not afraid to die and tends to make this quite clear by pressing his luck as much as possible. He can sometimes be brave, although only when it’s entirely out of left field.[/indent] [color=9e005d]Biography[/color] [center][b]TW: Mentions of depression and addiction.[/b][/center] [indent]Quinn was born in Edenridge to a low income household, life was somewhat turbulent for the young man as a result of this. His mother and his father divorced when he was eight which left him feeling as if he were missing something when his father got custody over him. He was left chasing the fleeting affection of a man who was just a bit too busy for him and this lead to him acting out as he got into middle school. Quinn started off causing fights at school, riffs between him and other students. He wasn't inherently mean but he got to be quite good at picking at people's insecurities for a cheap laugh. Some students took this in stride but others... were not so forgiving. Quinn was never good in a fist fight but he got into them so often that he seemingly got used to them. While he often wound up hurt as a result of these fights, he would somehow seem consistently self-satisfied. This was not to say that Quinn was entirely hated, just that he was kind of an acquired taste. He was a lazy class-clown at best and an annoying asshole at worst. As highschool rolled around, Quinn found himself an active member of the party scene. Drinking and smoking came like a second nature to him, he spent as much of his time away from home as possible. He crashed on couches, at girl's homes, at boy's homes (he was hardly one to discriminate). He started to make a bit of an infamous impression around the school as the guy that would do [I]anything[/I], any dare, any drug, any drink, he wasn't afraid of consequences and it showed. Quinn flunked through highschool, unable to focus or dedicate himself to anything. He was not stupid but he did not have the attention-span for the tedium of school. This got worse after Charlie decided to reap vengeance on the school. He almost never attended class after that point, although he could still be found at parties. Quinn faded into relative obscurity after highschool although those who know him knew that he did his college work online and managed to get a BA in psychology although he's never put it to any use. He currently seems to be hopping from job to job in town.[/indent] [color=9e005d]Family[/color] [indent][b]Thomas Lloyd[/b] - Father, works full time as a grocery store clerk.[/indent] [color=9e005d]Misc.[/color] [indent]Robert Sheehan | [color=9e005d]9e005d[/color] Quinn has ADHD and MDD. I Love You Like an Alcoholic is another good song for him.[/indent][/hider]