Okay, so I'm thinking over how to implement my character. As aforementioned, he's meant to be a sort of spellsword, focusing on different elemental spells that have combative and utilitarian application. I wonder if, I should have him use the same spells, but apply them in different ways? My main question would be how many spells/abilities is a character allowed to have? Main thing I need to work out is backstory. Originally, this character is supposed to be some kind of fugitive. The latest iteration of this, was that he was part of some organization that turned out to be corrupt, and he was framed for a murder in order to ensure his silence. What I do have solid is that he should have traveled to Amber Grove to study magic. He's had dreams of being a kind of "Spell-Knight" like those of legends. He joined an organization in order to further his combative magic skills, and I'll decide if the fugitive bit is necessary or not.