[@Vega7285] [@Crowvette] [color=yellow]"You've never asked for a drink before but I do consider you a regular, Homura-san. Also, hello Karine-san."[/color] Gotou remarked while giving a small nod to the second newcomer. [color=yellow]"Ojii certainly thought well of you. If thought up a usual, I'd certainly make it for you as far as I'm legally allowed to of course."[/color] He said. While he spoke to Homura and Karine, he was simultaneously preparing the latter's drink of choice. This was a spectacle that was sure to be unusual to one who wasn't used to daily life in the Agency. Before he even touched the glass he was intending to use for the young lady's drink, the finger closest to it blazed to life and it began to float on its own and fly through the air. It traced a precise path before setting itself down on the counter while he tended to the other ingredients, which all followed the same path soon afterwards. Milk, cocoa powder, a generous amount of sugar, a pinch of cinnamon for flavor, and a small square of dark chocolate poised on top. As they watched, the young bartender had another finger at the ready, and it came to life with a small burst of flame, not unlike the flames of a lighter. He traced a circle small circle in the air in front of the drink, and the special platform the drink was poised on seemed to begin to heat up. Soon the hot chocolate began to bubble and steam, being stirred all the while. Carefully, with his first finger which was covered in a light blue aura, he lifted it close, and with a third finger blew a fine spray of ice crystals, which seemed to adhere to the surface of the glass. [color=yellow]"Cool to the touch, warm for the heart,"[/color] He said as he finally served Karine her drink. [@Crowvette] Drinks were rated at the Sentouji South Shokuden by the amount of fingers required (By Gotou) to make them. It's an aspect which forms a part of a drink and a show, which attracts many customers, human and Yokai alike once Agency missions are handed out and the Bar assumes regular operations for the night. And he can make many drinks alone by himself, which was a rather large bonus. [color=yellow]"We mostly just carry non-alcoholic components to make alcoholic drinks, but with extra quantities for this kind of occurrence to make these types of drinks as well,"[/color] Gotou explained. [@Vega7285] [color=yellow]"We have a number of common mixer ingredients like orange juice or tonic water which still make for fine drinks when combined with themselves. Shall I try to make something simpler for you to sample out?"[/color] He said. [color=purple]"You better just do it Gotou,"[/color] Amari Sakura cut in with a sly laugh. [color=purple]"I don't think this girl will ever know what she wants unless she gets a taste for it."[/color] As she paced over, Gotou stepped aside and allowed her the room to do her bidding. [color=purple]"We're familiar with that sword of yours, you don't need to hide her away."[/color] She continued. [color=purple]"She may not personally have a history with me or my Grandfather, but she has certainly had history with the Agency. Regardless, you want a mission, do you?"[/color] She leaned over the counter and fixed her gaze on the two young girls before her. Her long blonde hair fell past her shoulders and reached past the edge of the countertop. Her intense purple eyes belied a sense of hunger about her. But they still had a playfulness behind them. [color=purple]"Ah yes, I do believe I have the [i]perfect[/i] mission for you two."[/color] She said with a wide smile, as she stood up and went to fetch the job posting from the board behind the counter. [color=purple]"An Oni disobeying the Night Mandate has shown up recently near the Park."[/color] She said. [color=purple]"He's assembled a small gang, and they don't appear intent on obeying the law, so by the Agency's rules we have to punish them."[/color] [color=purple]"No killing, the Kami simply want them to be taught a lesson. Oni are particularly tough anyway so it would be difficult to do it if you were determined enough not to."[/color] She continued. [color=purple]"Are you interested?"[/color]