[hr][center][h1][color=f7941d]Port-1[/color][/h1] [h3][color=f26522]Cafeteria Sirius Free, [color=#F68EBA]Ayame Izumi[/color][/color][/h3][/center] [hr] Ayame thought about his offer, and figured that a good training session in the simulators wouldn't be too bad, might get her to wake up, or she might crash and fall, metaphorically of course. [color=#F68EBA]"Yeah you can stay. Also I'm down for some some training, You keep talking about how great you are so how can I not see for myself?"[/color] she was curious about this young mans abilities, he was boasting about breaking records which she thought was a riot of laughter as those that set those records were veterans of there timeframe and she didn't think this kid had broken any of them. She on the other hand was no good fighter but she can hold her own, but if this kid was as good as he says he is then she might have a rough fight on her hand, if not then maybe her win loss ratio might be less depressing. Finishing up her food she grabbed her own plate to take to disposal chute for her dish to be cleaned. [color=#F68EBA]"Ready whenever you are Sirius"[/color] she was heading out of the Cafeteria towards the simulators, she hid another yawn while in the hallway, she hoped that this tiredness didn't get the better of her today.