Scylla sighed tired of these insistent men making demands and asking annoying questions. “None of us can escape the confinement we find ourselves in. Whether the chains are called duty or fate or even if the bars are of solid gold, a cage is still a cage. And try as you might to shake and rattle it, without a key one is doomed to remained confined in them.” Scylla lectured him before she lazily continued. “My purpose to coming here was to retrieve her and take her home. Regardless of 'her' wishes, I have orders to follow, just as you have. We Brides of the Empire have our duties to perform and I was given no orders to kill her, merely to recapture her. So be glad of that at the least.” She moved in a swaying manner away from the men, giving off a tired and exhausted air. Casting another look at the curious couple, she observed the mage tenderness in handling the unconscious Eilis. Almost lovingly. She shut her eyes in irritation as she continued in a knowing tone. “She will be used for more terrifying things you know… She might want a simple life but the powers that be will never allow her that small measure of happiness, that moment of peace and quiet." A sigh followed. "They will come and strip everything away from her, again and again. Break her spirit first and then her soul, until finally the grinding down of her being is complete and done to such an extend that only silent acceptance remains. Would it not be better that she forgoes all her struggle and hardship and accept the chains that bind her? The sooner she learns that the sooner she learns to live with brutal cards of fate that Life has dealt her.” Scylla finished up before listening to Arn’s promise. “Our Master… would have liked you. Too bad you’re Belisian. Assume away by all means it hardly alters the ending.” She ended as she felt how Arn had started to manipulate the Aether again. She would not be able to beat them in this state and Scylla knew she would be better off trying again at a later time. She smiled looking at the men before saying her goodbye to Arn in her smug confident and lackadaisical manner. “Well no need to get all worked up about her, I know when my company is not appreciated…I will see myself out, but here’s a promise from me, lover-boy. There will be a day we will meet again and perhaps then you will agree with me. I wish you well, you’ll need it I fear…But for now Toodle-pip.” She said with a sarcastic wave before she threw herself out of the same window she had entered through. As she fell she threw something below her causing a ripple in the fabric of her shadows making a hovering broom appear above the ground. She landed on it and with a turn upwards and a maniacal laugh she flew off into the dark starry night, leaving the men to deal with each other. Uilles was the first one who spoke as he looked at Arn and Tyrhallan. [color=a0410d]“Seems to me you two owe me an explanation…specifically concerning the girl.”[/color] He said as his eyes drifted towards Eilis who was lying still and had not awoken yet. [color=a0410d]“But let’s get her to bed first, we can’t let the poor lass sleep on the floor. Tomorrow morning after breakfast you both will join me in the library and you will tell me all you know.”[/color] Uilles uttered softly to them in a tone that brooked no refusal. [color=a0410d]"And'd best stay in her room tonight. Whilst I do not expect anymore, we cannot be certain, better to avoid another mess like this while we can."[/color] Uilles said clicking the cane against the floor as he turned around and walked back to the others to inform them. Tyrhallan looked at Arn with a knowing look. [color=ed1c24]"I need to get this patched up. Tomorrow we'll go looking for answers, we won't let her be taken again."[/color] he vowed with a nod to the mage.