[color=6ecff6]"Will do, thank you for the gesture."[/color] She told him with a smile. She was used to running with no privacy. In the military unit they were arranged in, there were no privacy arranged. Men and women slept in teh same rooms, and granted usually the only women in her squad were all slave soldiers. The others weren't slaves so they had all the right to bed them, none did cause also as a soldier she was exempt from having to spread her legs. The simple fact was that a pregnant woman didn't make for a good soldier and they needed her at hte time to fight. Now she ahd escaped because the situation ahd changed, but still. After he went to sleep, she made her best to maintain the fire, withotu wasthing all the fuel at the same time. So she just calmly tossed a piece of decayed wood now and then. It burned fast because ofh ow decayed it was. Still it was pleasant to see a nice crackling fire. She wanted to sleep too, but it wasn't meant to be. She had tkaen teh first shift and she'd wait as a true soldier. Some time into the shift, she suddenly felt something off. First was the odd feelign of wrongness in her eers then came the sounds. The feeling of wrongness must have been the air pressure. The distant noises of rattling were... a COLD WAVE! She jolted up and stared at the door that was blocked. THe temepratures quickly lowered even iwth a closed door. The heat was being sucked through the door, she realized, possibly some of the walls too. The young owman tossed a few pieces of wood and moved away from teh door as much as she could, seeing it being covered by frost gradually. It must be way bellow zero tright now. She wondered if this meant a eye of the storm was above them on the surface. HTey used to say that under the eye of the storm the sky was clear and that the cold was the owrst imaninable. SHe wrapped herself as tightly as she coudl in her clothign and moved over to Donny[color=6ecff6]." Donny, wake up, it's nearly your time, but something happened anyways, so waking you a bit earlier." [/color]She told him waiting for him to get aware enough.[color=6ecff6]" A cold wave struck as the worst estimations I gave." [/color]She informed him, pointing at hte wall that was now covered in frost."[color=6ecff6] We will need to hope that what ever's causing it to pass us over before leaving. Might take a few hours to days, but hte temperatures in teh room will continue to drop as the room's not graded for this kind of cold tha'ts about to hit us as time progresses. But at least nobody's going to enter the door while that storm's up. THe halls are a death trap and even most mutant won't survie long unless they are burried or have some other method of surviving sub zero temepratures. We should hope sure we've got enough kindling and firestuff to last us the night, otherwise, we might have a repeat of the scene we found in this room to begin with." She indicated, pointing at hwere the bodies used to be."[/color]