[@Eviledd1984][@Darked13][@Duthguy][@Crusader Lord][@demonspade64][@ReusableSword] As all the young ones got close to the church or were already near the church they would see that sun had finally gone down signaling the end of the day. Argos had dragged the female with him back to the church and walked in with her before he found a pew and laid down to go to sleep. The two jobs that came back after exploring the north got home safely and soon all the goblins heard the loud howls of wolves indicating that it was hunting time. Goblin grandpa helped the young ones in closing the door to keep them safe for the night glad most of the young ones came back. [@Haeo][@Dark Cloud] The two goblins soon went to work killing the rabbit in its hole. When it felt the javelin in its body it became shocked and tried to stay whatever was in front of it. When it got none of tried to run out of its burrow oh to be bashed by the goblin with the ax. It was then killed giving them some meat for the night however the howls of the wolves grew closer showing they needed to hide, and they needed to do it now. Goblins grik and shrik got 4 experience Shrik gained dark aim: allows the user to guess a vital point even when visibility is low. At higher levels can strike vital points from darker positions. Goblin grik gained: execution, allows the user when using weapons like axes and swords to strike with brutality severing arteries and bones in a single swing. At higher level can do so to enemies even in armor.