[b]In a Quiet Aquarium[/b] Jackdaw rose to her feet, unsteady. She might’ve even managed to look insulted, if she hadn’t taken the entire bundle of blanket with her. “Um. Sir? That’s...an offer, but...” A pair of weary eyes stared out from the tangle. “But I don’t think you can add what I’m missing.” She looked, questioning, back and forth to Wolf and a hallway leading deeper into the inky depths of the aquarium. Her budget of words hadn’t run out, but she had none she could spend here. *** [b]In the Middle of a Storm[/b] “The word is [i]irony.”[/i] The rain, the thunder, for all their practice they did not possess mastery of their old voices, and so, they deferred to her, fading respectfully into the background. “A state of affairs, or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects, and is often amusing as a result.” With each step closer to the pit, light swirled lazily from ink to ink. Power danced in the air as easily as a bored student twirling a pencil between their fingers. “Also, a literary technique, originally used in tragedy, by which the full significance of a character’s words or actions are clear to the audience or reader, although unknown to the character.” She stopped, ten paces from the two mice. The markings on her face glowed a sickly green, hurling shadows across her too-sweet grin. “Oh Leelee?~” One step to cross the distance. One word to wrap that emerald coat tight around Ailee’s throat. One step to drive an iron knee into her stomach. [i]“E-nun-cee-ate.”[/i]