[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/sb7ST5ti-pLvFWBYwNgRAqY362D5qHApi4X7gZ0ioKc/https/txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjcyLmYxNmQ0Yy5RWFpsY25rZ1YyRnphR2x1WjNSdmJnLjA/wildy-sans.regular.png[/img][/center] Avery had a hard time keeping themselves from laughing, but they managed. Sidney was clearly playing a prank on them. Either that or the kid just had an active imagination. But then again, didn’t all urban legends come from people with active imaginations? They let themselves ponder the question for a moment. These Manotaurs sounded straight out of a kids’ cartoon, and Avery wouldn’t have been surprised if that’s where it had come from. Even thinking about them made them want to laugh. They’d have to look it up later to corroborate Sidney's claims. Despite their inner laughter, Avery managed to keep a straight face throughout Sidney’s spiel, nodding along and taking notes. There was no point in making the poor girl feel stupid. Their eyes lit up at the prospect of being taken to meet the Manotaurs. [color=Coral]“You’ll take me to see them? In the forest?”[/color] They leaned forward, interested. While it wasn’t wise to follow some teenagers into what appeared to be a prank, the experience would be invaluable… hm. The forests around these parts were said to be dangerous, and it was unwise to go in without a local guide. They’d brought hiking boots in anticipation of a walk through the forest, but to have local guides would certainly be ideal. They could see where all these legends came from firsthand. The idea made their heart beat a little faster, excitement staving off exhaustion. [color=Coral][i]Well. Hopefully, you won’t be ax-murdered by teenagers.[/i][/color] At least Sidney didn’t seem the ax-murderer type. [color=Coral]“I’d love that!’[/color] they said, chipper as can be. [color=Coral]“Give me a moment, though- I’ll need to slip on my hiking boots and get some coffee before we go. I'll give you your fifteen after, plus an extra ten if you're a good guide and don't knock me unconscious and leave me in a ditch.”[/color] With a wink, Avery ended the recording. They dug a travel mug and some boots out of their duffel, set the mug on the counter, signaled the waitress over to fill it, and disappeared to the bathroom to change into more appropriate shoes for a hike. [center][@Potemking][/center]