[quote=@JessieTargaryen] Hey! I really like the concept of your RP so far, and I’d love to voice my interest! I do have a couple of questions though! First off, is that I’ve never been in an Advanced Section RP before, I usually write like high-level casual, so I just wanted to know if you had length requirements as well or not? (I average 3+ paragraph posts and I’m usually pretty good about spelling and grammar. Sometimes it slips, but I’m only human). Second question, are there any sentient non-humans in the world/village? Such as elves, orcs, or the likes? If I’m going to be honest it’s because my knee jerk reaction is that I’d like to play a Catgirl/Neko or something like Au Ra from Final Fantasy, but I totally get it if that’s not an option. Apologies for questions if they seem dumb at all! [/quote] Generally I look less to a post's length and more to strength of characterization, high school-ish grammar expectations, rapport with other characters- that sorta deal. A well-crafted post with two paragraphs can provide more for myself and other players to work with than a novella that spends all its time chewing the scenery. Provided you're putting effort into it, you're unlikely to hear any complaints from me. As for non-humans, there are a number of mythical and folklore creatures in and around the valley- most prominent are the Yokai, an umbrella term for a number of spirits and supernatural creatures from Japanese folklore. They'll feature in the game often enough, but I'd like for all the player characters to be human. Their journey starts with them as ordinary individuals entering into a strange, utterly alien world. [quote=@ERode] What are you expecting out of the Character Conceptualization section? And how many people were you thinking of accepting for the RP? [/quote] Character Conceptualization is meant to cut down on a number of other sections: essentially its for your character's backstory, motivations, and what you're intending to do with the character as the Roleplay moves forward. Give me an idea of who they in a couple'a paragraphs and you'll be good. I haven't set a limit on that just yet; I'm more looking for character concepts that I like and think would fit well in the setting, as well as people who'd post reliably and whose style meshes well with the group. If too many people end up applying, I won't let the cast get too cumbersome.