[center] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/346837192783429643/831687828399456306/circle-cropped_1.png[/img] [url=https://fontmeme.com/celtic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210409/2a672398de616e36771343178f52a9d3.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr][hr] Selena was just in her room for less than a minute before going to check for the large baths. She heard there were two types from Mrs. Reinheart. A large bath filled with hot water, as well as a waterfall of sorts of hot water as well. Not a real waterfall as Mrs. Reinheart clearly said three times. Selena was used to cleaning herself before getting into a bath with a bucket. But Mrs. Reinheart said people would often just use the shower to clean themselves while in it. This was unheard of on her island. She simply had to see it. She made sure to grab her towel and herbal soap. Then quickly made for the door. Only to suddenly be stopped in her tracks as soon as she opened it. She let out a small yelp as she was not expecting anyone there. Her face red with embarrassment at that said yelp. She then heard the girl say hello. Her hair long and silver, which complemented her porcelain skin quite well. She would have been more surprised at her hair color for a human if she had not met Finn and his mother. Both with white hair despite their age. Her ears folding back with her face still red. [color=FF3AD9] “Sorry… Almost walk into you.”[/color] she sighed and smiled as her ears popped back up once more with a quick bow of her head. She added as she looked back at the girl standing infront of her. [color=FF3AD9]”Hello. I...am Selena Vixen. It is...nice to meet you.” [/color] she managed to say with a clear heavy forign accent. She then realized the girl was standing infront of her door and it clicked with the two beds inside. Her face brightened as her eyes grew wider. Her tail flicking side to side as her ears perked straight up. [color=FF3AD9]”You are Roomate? Mine yes?” [/color] She was excited for the concept of rooming with another girl. She always had her own room growing up. [@datadogie]