[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/egL811A.png[/img] [b]Height : 174cm | Weight: 140lb | Age: 16[/b][/center] [color=9966CC][b]Name:[/b][/color][i] Ayaka Meru[/i] [color=9966CC][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [url=https://imgur.com/a/Zodffm9]Transformed[/url] [hider=Details] In Ayaka's transformed appearance she sports the same exact outfit from the reference but without the headband and glasses. Her physical appearance stays primarily the same as well but her hair has lengthened to her back and a long amethyst-colored ribbon holds half of her hair up. [/hider] [color=9966CC][b]Description:[/b][/color] A lackluster and lazy student, Ayaka is brazen as she is broad. Open with her opinions but simply too lazy to tell them. Sleep and the lack of is her prime enemy and attacks her anytime throughout the day. But the few occasions when she is focused or awake, she's either serious, often cold, or ready to win any sort of battle. Determination may not align with Ayaka often but when she hones on one thing, in any situation-- she will get the last say. [color=9966CC][b]Grimoire:[/b][/color] • [color=ffffff][b]Title:[/b][/color] [i] Merlin's Prophecies [/i] • [color=ffffff][b]Description:[/b][/color] [i]A tale of an old wizard and his exploits. Known for his patience and wise guidance, he has fought off dragons and aided a king to rise for their nation. Well known for his magical gifts, Merlin is an exotic sorcerer who helps from the shadows. [/i] • [color=9966CC][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] [i] The Prophecies of Merlin grants Ayaka the ability to conjure a staff of which she mainly uses to aid her teammates from afar casting shields and healing injuries. But can also cast heavy-hitting elemental magicks, although, in exchange for destruction, she must wait patiently to thread her more offensive spells together via runes, magical circles, or a sacrifice of an object. [/i] [color=9966CC][b]Misc:[/b][/color] [hider=Weaponry] [url=https://imgur.com/a/tptLC7r]Sidhe Staff[/url] Instead of a white crystal and a smaller dangling crystal both are purple. [/hider]