[right][b]Circus outside Etrid[/b] [sub]Interacting with [@Renny][/sub][/right] The young girls eyes flashed orange for a brief moment as the blade spun invisibly through the crowd. As it neared, in time with the flashing of her eyes, the blade altered course slightly mid-flight. Landing squarely in the back of the man who had been carrying her, he gulped as the shock shot through his system, his eyes going wide, arms falling to his side as he fell to his knees. She rolled from atop him before he had even finished collapsing on the ground. A bloodstain starting to spread across his back. Initially nobody reacted as the girl sped off through the crowd towards the main circus tent, until one person noticed and screamed. People began running over to the body, a panic in the air. Someone moved their hand over the body, finding the invisible knife and then recoiling. "MAGIC! MAGIC!" Screams took flight through the air as people ran in various other directions. The mans companions spotted him go down from their position at the gates and all ran towards the circus, their right arms in below their cloaks, obviously grabbing the hilts of weapons as they raced towards the circus. The girl ducked between the people fleeing, dodged from side to side her small stature allowing her to navigate the crowd with ease. [hr] [right][b]Coliseum[/b][/right] The Prince stood waiting in the wings, a massive grate ahead of him. Sword on left hip, shield in his left hand. Breathing deeply. [i]Father favoured his left leg, so go in leading with your right. Keep him off-balance, unsuspecting[/i]. The roar of the crowd was as intoxicating as it was nerve-wracking. He could hear people cheering his name in chorus, voices of all types in thunder. Then a deathly silence fell over the crowd, no doubt the Grand Inquisitor had taken the podium, raising his arms to hush the crowd as all attention was diverted to him. The trial was about to begin. His voice sounded over the crowd, caveats and specially crafted instruments throughout the arena carried his voice from the one focal point. "People, my people! Today is a great day, for our Prince comes of age, and it is time to make him King. However, there is one trial that must be completed beforehand. To judge any monarchs worth he must face the Terror of Etrid, a beast defeated by our cities great founder at the dawn of the second age and every reigning monarch since, so I present you... our PRINCE!" The steel gate opened and Althor walked out into the right, the cheering of the crowd resumed as he waved his arm up towards the crowds. His heart was practically in his throat. His father, grandfather, great grandfather and all the generations before had managed to defeat the beast. They however had all been older, he was the youngest monarch to face the beast, there was nothing in the rules for what was to happen if he lost, as no Prince had ever lost. To lose would likely mean death. The cheering continued to thrum in his ears as the gate directly across the coliseum opened, and a [url=https://www.bgdf.com/sites/default/files/images/Minotaur%20Finished%20Sample.preview.jpg]great lumbering beast[/url] walked out into the sunlight roaring. Old scars across its body from killing blows. Nobody knew why but the beast could only be subdued and never slain, it had once been the pride of the Palace for its capability as a Gladiator but as it learnt and became stronger it became harder to control and so now its fights were reserved as a rite of passage for the would be king. Althor swallowed the bile that was rising in his throat. He could defeat the beast, he brought his left leg back pushing his right forward against his base instincts. The beast would remember his father, and he had to have the element of surprise, drawing his sword with his right arm he raised it high into the air. "Come at me beast, your [i]King[/i] would have words."