[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210302/f3868123a58189bede901156966028fb.png[/img][/center] The Diner was getting fuller and fuller by the minute - with multiple additions coming into it. He took the last sip of his coffee as he observed what was happening. The person Sid was with earlier was concocting some sort of place with her, though it wasn't so silent that Garfield was sure everyone had heard a piece of the plan anyway. So this was someone they knew already? Garfield tried to comb through his memories in search of someone who had left long ago, but not too long that Price family wasn't present yet. Maybe it was around the same situation as Nathaniel here - the main difference being the one who came back was the kid and not the grandfather. His attention was pulled away from the scene when Sid sauntered over to the adventurer by the counter who was seemed to be looking for the same things Garfield was trying to keep under wraps. Garfield didn't find them an annoyance to his job, just another person to look out after. As if the kids weren't enough with their frequent adventures out into the wilderness - they were fine, they likely were prepared anyway - but that's just what the job is. If an adventure gets a turn for the worse... well, it's all the better that Garfield is the one combing the woods instead of others. It would seem that whatever Sid had told the adventurer was something they had found intriguing as they had quickly left. Garfield had half a mind to interfere but when he had turned to his companions, Nathaniel was growing more and more anxious by the second. Poor kid must not be used to big crowds. Garfield nodded. [color=007236]"Yeah, I'll just pay real quick and we can head over to the Mystery Shack yeah?"[/color] With that, Garfield stood up and headed over to the counter and waved over the waitress to pay for their meals. As he took out his wallet, he gave Sid a nod. [color=007236]"Be careful out there you hear? Don't get into too much trouble."[/color] He reminded, as he always did. Better to be able to say that he had given his piece of warning than not. [color=007236]"And try not to scare them too much. No tourists is bad for business."[/color] He continued as jest as he paid the appropriate amount to the cashier and headed out. Before that, however, he whistled to grab the attention of those at the table. [color=007236]"If you kids need me, I'll be at the Shack. Amelia, we're prepping so whenever you're ready."[/color] He reminded before walking out of the diner. It'll be a hectic day but hey, whatever keeps the days interesting right? [@Potemking] [@Rabidporcupine] [@Akayaofthemoon] [@DClassified] [@Dark Cloud] [@KiwiHalcyon]