Just as she thought it couldn't get any worse, John went and said about how it will make Heaven wanting to come after her to tip the scales into their favour and just to stop Hell having her. After she thought it was bad that demons were after her for no apparent reason, she now finds out they're all after her because a big boss of Hell whose close Lucifer wants her for who knows what truly for, and that will make Heaven wanting her and anything else in this magical downworld. She looked at john when he turned to face her and tell her they won't let that happen, making her slowly nod in trust of him. She sighed and listened to Serena as she then spoke up with one thing this new information now meant as she found herself scooching closer to John without really realising it. It was like subconsciously she needed the comfort from him, that his touch gave her earlier on, or something unseen between them was dragging her ever closer to him without her really knowing it. She also found it curious that Serena ended her sentence with 'it worked in the past, it can work again' which made her see once again she really was the only in the room that knew the least about any of this world. She continued to listen as they all spoke, also wondering how Serena comes into all of this, wondering if it was Fate that made her come into her life or if it was just a sheer coincidence, which she rarely believed in with big things like this. Chas also listened, putting the book down down still open on the page about The First incase any of the others wanted to read for themselves. "then it sounds like we got a lot fo research to be done between us and when that pizza arrives I'd say there's no time like the present to start reading up on everything we can. Then start training with Kay tomorrow when we're all a lot fresher and such." Chas suggested.