[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201025/dd702eb17fdec7fba9d74c5598f95d63.png[/img] [img]https://img.wattpad.com/b378133e75de5fed6391d4bedeec6269b2b37a95/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f2d385254764a4e31386a486f70773d3d2d3936363831333137352e313633646530333465623533663336633930313036303535393133332e676966[/img] [color=91D559]_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________[/color][/center] [indent][indent][indent][color=lightgray] Chatting with Cade and the rest of the group, Christian was too caught up in how delicious his burger was to notice what was going on inside the house. It was only when he was halfway through his second burger that Christian noticed he didn’t have anything to drink. Bidding farewell to Cade, Elezar, and Spike, Christian departed the grilling station for the house. When he got about halfway there, Christain became more aware of the sound of shouting coming from inside. It was hard to see through the crowd, but he was more than certain that there was some sort of argument going on. Still determined to complete his original mission of getting everyone to get along, Christian took a deep breath and marched on - stopping for a quick second to grab the water hose and turn it on. While turning on the water, Christian heard a somewhat familiar voice from inside the house shouting over the roar of the voices. With the water hose in one hand, and a burger in another, Christian made his way into the house as far as he could. Most of the people around him were drunk and paying attention to Trixie, allowing him to only get a few strange looks and giggles as he drug the hose into the house. Stopping about ten feet from where the fight was happening, Christian stood amongst the crowd and continued to nom away on his burger. Trixie was doing a good job changing the overall mood of the crowd. She had said mostly what Christian wanted to say - only it was how she wanted to say it. Now it was his turn to say things [i]his[/i] way. Spraying the ceiling with the water hose, Christian shouted over the crowd as the water rained down upon them all. [color=91D559]”YOU FUCKING HEARD HER! Now stop acting like [b]fucking idiots.[/b] Next person to even [i]try[/i] and start something will be thrown the Hell out! UNDERSTOOD?”[/color] There was a mixture of replies from the crowd. Some continued to shout ‘DRINK’, while others rolled their eyes or gave a thumbs up. As someone began to call out for the teams to assemble, Christian let the garden hose fall to the floor with a sigh. Now he [i]really[/i] needed something to drink. [/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]