[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjgwLmIxYzRkMC5UM0p5Wlc0Z1JHRnBiSGsuMQ/mulders-handwriting.regular.png[/img][/center] He wasn't sure where he was. It was foggy and dark, and almost certainly not the brightly lit street he'd expected to step out into. He'd...left the store, right? Orren squinted as he glanced around, and took a few cautious steps. When nothing happened, he continued on into this strange new world. Words echoed from around him, but he wasn't sure what they were saying. They didn't seem to be talking to him, so Orren decided to mind his own business as per his usual policy. That was until one voice called his name. It was warm and familiar, and the world began to spin. He felt like he was on a tiny boat being sucked down a tub drain. He stumbled and [i]whack[/i]! His path led directly into another person. "Cora?" He mumbled softly before he fully awoke from the sleepwalk he'd slipped into. Orren blinked. He was outside the cafe. How did he get here? He'd just been at the store...Time and space were still real, right? "Oh!" He finally noticed the young woman he'd run right into. "I'm sorry, I was..." Hallucinating? Tripping balls? What the hell was that just now? Neither sounded like a good response. "...uh, lost." He blinked slowly, his dull eyes filled with exhaustion and marked with dark circles under each. Orren was barley recognizable from the boy that had graduated just a year ago. He was thin, pale, and looked like he could be a poster child for meth, all while not even getting to experience the high. At this point, Orren just assumed everyone thought he was on drugs. And, for the most part, he was right. "Is your phone okay?" The last thing he needed was to be held liable for damaged property. [@Fever Dream]