[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210312/86cb744921567a309a43af3c9062b5aa.png[/img][/CENTER] [indent][indent][indent][hr] Ezmy was a bit disappointed that Disker didn’t take the bait, but she’d come to expect as much from him, boring as it could be. Sometimes she suspected a good chunk of the crew had been secretly lobotomized, but then she remembered people like Kellen and Irina, and decided maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing. Leon intervened on Disker’s behalf, and she rolled her eyes. [color=ec008c][i]Fuckin’ white-knight manlet,[/i][/color] she thought, but decided it would be best to keep that to herself. Ezmy didn’t usually shy from getting on people’s bad sides, but pissing people off before a fight wouldn’t do her any favors if they were pissed off at [i]her[/i]. She wasn’t going to lick any boots, but she could do her best to keep the snipping to a minimum. Maybe. [color=ec008c]“Vanguard,”[/color] she said, staking her claim. Now that they had something resembling a plan, fucked if she was going to sit in the ass-guard while everyone else did all the hard work—she wasn’t [i]Disker[/i]. Ezmy shot Gaida one more venomous glance, and then hopped down from her pile as Disker wandered off with the toy. He’d be staying aboard on his usual roost, as far from harm’s way as possible. [i]Surprise[/i]. The only pilot who’d be safer than him was Marlowe, and though normally the good ol’ Voltus-nepotism would have pissed her off, she never felt the urge to argue over this particular point. The truth was that she didn’t [i]want[/i] Marlowe out there with them. He wasn’t cut out for it. He was just fine at picking up trash, but his incorrigible pacifism didn’t just make him fucking insufferable, it also made him a liability to everyone else. [color=ec008c]“Yeah, something tells me it’s not gonna be hard to get permission for this one,”[/color] she said, starting off for the hangar. [color=ec008c]“Guess I’ll suit up for the green light. Maybe we’ll finally get some fucking action.”[/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent]