Kay looked up when she became aware of John walking over and taking the book from her and speaking to her. She nodded in agreement, that resting her eyes from reading was the best option to do, having no qualms or need to argue with him over it. She knew he was right, and she was overworking herself after everything. She couldn't help but glance over at Serena when he also asked her if she was okay, seeing how tired the other woman looked and that it was only now obvious to Kay, that Serena hadn't eaten anything yet, due to John making Serena take a slice of pizza to eat. She then took a second slice of pizza and ate, making herself sit back on the couch as comfortably she could considering her shoulder blade hadn't long been stitched up. She sighed as she continued to eat, mostly in silence until she couldn't eat much more. She had eaten her fair share of the pizza, whilst not hogging it all at the same time. She did want the others to eat enough as well and was well versed in sharing what was available to make sure everyone ate enough to keep surviving. Her homeless ways would take a long time to drop, but in her eyes the survival skills of sharing food and making sure others were also okay were not bad things to keep as part of her habits. Eventually she found herself falling asleep on the couch in the corner of it.