[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210130/334b2832d63f1ff04639597363eb00bd.png[/img][/CENTER] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=#87c735][b]Location:[/b][/color] The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria[/right][/sub][/color] [hr] [color=#87c735]"...so since texting isn't a thing we're gonna have to do a lot of... what was that called?"[/color] Alex's features froze, a look that combined disgust with the expression people made just as something was about to collide with their face. [color=#87c735]"[i]Networking.[/i] Eugh."[/color] It concerned him with how automatic of a process it had been to tolerate Thorinn's newfound dreadful atmosphere. Not adapt or thrive, but tolerate. He chalked it up to having come out of a mortal situation covered head to toe in most available bodily fluids. The old Alex that found crowds of people annoying was no longer present, instead replaced by a more weathered man that found relief in strolling past bustling streets towards his destination. [color=#87c735]"Is it weird if sewers don't sound that bad to me anymore? I got covered in blood back in the dungeon and that was probably worse than, uh, whatever you'd call the stuff down there. The monsters are easier too."[/color] Then again, it was hard to accurately rank preferences now that the entire game had changed. [color=#87c735]"Oh, but smells are one-hundred percent in game now."[/color] Their slower pace hadn't just been as a result of the increased foot traffic. For Alex at least, his surroundings carried a newfound sense of weight to them. Thorinn's many houses and establishments didn't feel like expensive props anymore, but actual buildings with owners and histories. Every road and signpost and stall felt the same way. It ocurred to him how little he knew of this city-state in comparison to a real world location, and how he'd have to make an active effort to start memorizing names to get around. These thoughts and more flashed sporadically in his brain as they walked along. He'd usually try and fail to keep them to himself, but he figured Seele would understand. She seemed like the type, those people who were good with other people, the ones that were a godsend for awkward guys like him.[color=#87c735]"I've gone through here so many times, but now it keeps feeling like the first. It's hard to explain. Like this place isn't just one giant toy anymore."[/color] The same oddly specific look spread across his face again. [color=#87c735]"Hmm."[/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent]