My writing style is probably somewhere between Mary Shelley when I get verbose and descriptive, Bruce Coville and Paul Dini for actual story telling (my childhood in a nutshell), and R. L. Stine for formatting (and the occasional "there's another plot here you completely overlooked. I'm taking it since you aren't doing anything with it"). There's probably influence from other authors mingled in here and there, since I tend to read things I find interesting, but don't always pay attention to who wrote it. Not even kidding about the formatting. I once picked up a [i]Goosebumps[/i] book to double check something, and I noticed I basically do the quick, "one-two sentence paragraph, dialogue, one-two sentence paragraph, dialgue, etc., with the occasional-long-paragraph-to-break-things-up" thing Stine does. Unlike Stine, I write chapters more than four pages when I'm writing actual stories and not RP. XP