Chas didn't intend for his theory to hold much weight or for John to come back and say he reckons he was onto something with it, whilst elaborating on the theory and expressing more. What he wasn't planning on either and more so was Serena reacting to badly to said theory and drop to the floor finding it harder to breathe. "Deep breaths Serena, breathe in for five seconds out for five." He said, also going over to her, even though John had dived off the couch to her aid as well, which made Kay slide down the couch and her head laying exactly where John was sitting, as she was leaning on him to sleep peacefully. As she plonked down onto the couch, the motion and John's loud cursing woke her up, making her blink and wonder what the hell was going on. "WHat's going on?" she asked, grumbling and rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand and sleeve. Chas didn't even compute Kay waking up as his full attention was on the woman on the floor hyperventilating, and rightly so. Kay eventually managed to figure out why everyone was ignoring her, and seeing what a state Serena was in. SHe sat upright once more, watching on knowing there was nothing she could do right now, and if she did go over she would just get in the way which wouldn't do anyone any good. Chas just gently put his hand on Serena's back to try and comfort her, whilst trying to remind her and work with her into making her breathe deeply and slowly to calm herself down. The only thing that Kay felt she could do was get up, go into the kitchen and get Serena a drink of water, which she did after managing to find the glasses in the right cupboard and brought it over. "here, this might help too" she offered sleepily.