"Ebil," Nautilus said, repeating the boy's name. Repetition helps one remembers things, and this was not an exception. "I should be able to remember your name for the rest of the day, but don't know about tomorrow". He had got that bad habit of forgetting people's names the day following the acquaintance, and he hadn't been able to get rid of it. [i]"You mean you think we will disappear like the NPCs? I never thought about that."[/i] Ebil said, thinking. "Only a speculation, though. But on a second thought, if we are playing this game, think SAO, then disappearing due to unimportance would lead to a contradiction. Except if..." Nautilus responded, but Ebil seemed to complete the sentence for him. [i]"Maybe the RP thinks we're like those people that aren't really part of the RP, but post anyway! Which means nobody would even realize we're here!"[/i] Nautilus sighed, knowing that the logic inside the Guild can be mind-blowing. "Are we a part of this? And how do we post here, by the way?" he asked. He then stood up and picked two branches of a tree, both are quite straight and one of those is only slightly longer than the other. He placed the longer one upright on the ground and made sure it stood up even though he was not holding it. The shorter branch was now very slightly longer than the apparent height of the longer branch due to some part of the longer one being buried under the ground. He tried to measure the length of the shadow created by the upright branch, checking whether it was longer than the branch he used to measure that length.