[@Gunther] I have read the OPORD in the 0th post of the In Character thread. I believe I understand what we are doing. I have a few questions... [u][b]Notes:[/b][/u][list] - I have no attachments, nor am I detaching any units to the others. - My battalion is the Brigade main effort focusing on the armor threat at Hill 140. - There appears to be obstacles at 25.53, 25.54 & 25.55. I assume these are Anti-Tank mines? Maybe anti-personnel mines? - There appears to be three mechanized infantry platoons dug into the built up area on the north side of my breach point. A company CP to the left and one 750 meters to the north of the river. - There is also one company of tanks on Hill 140. - I assume, I must pretend I do not see them yet. That I must roll to spot them and then roll to hit and destroy them? - What should the remainder of my battalion do, once we have secured objective SABLYA and a company establishes an Ambush or Support by Fire position at the north end of that road, to the right of the Sokol Group?[/list]