[Center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/684444351199576076/831487025180835850/cooltext381473884215423.png[/img][/center] [hider=Recap] Last time in the Wyniverse, Wyn met Ze’kalia, Goddess of light and made a statue in her honor in the middle of Wyn’s sea. [/hider] [hr] [Color=thistle]"Well I suppose it'll have to do."[/color] Wyn crossed her arms as she looked up at the statue of Ze'kelia. [Color=thistle]"As far as looks go she is neither truly beautiful nor truly ugly. I suppose I'll take the former over the latter. Besides, I wouldn't want to ruin such a budding relationship. Cordial, even if she was a bit too energetic for my tastes."[/color] she let out a sigh before biting her lip and muttering, [Color=thistle]"And she didn't even thank me."[/color] Her eyes found themselves drawn to the trinket Ze'kelia had left her. Such a trivial item with such a simple purpose. The crystal sparkled in the light of the twin suns upon her hand. It captivated her briefly and she tilted her head. [Color=thistle]"Oh but it does give me an idea, doesn't it? Ze'kelia, my muse, how you treat me so."[/color] she said with dramatic flair, putting a hand to her forehead, palm out. She drew out a long sigh and feigned a feint. The goddess then chuckled to herself and with the theatrics over, she flew off back to land, heading north. She flew close to the sea, dipping her hand in warm waters as she went. Her reflection ever so evident on the surface, threatening to hold her hostage once more. Her image, she knew, would be ever entertwined into this place. Her sea. It needed a name, didn't it? She mulled it over, settling on something that defined what it was at its core. The Sea of Reflection. It was not long before the familiar landscape of ruins and dust came into her vision. Even in a place she had not been, it all looked so ugly. Now illuminated by the fledgling suns, it painted the world a dreary place. Still she could hardly believe it, how much had been ruined and in need of change. She came to a halt above where beaches met desolation and eyed the canvas before her. Then Wyn went to work. [hr] The land north west of the sea rippled and underwent great changes. Great swathes of earth rose to form hills and valleys while the instability of the earth caused canyons and ravines to form like giant scars in the land. She broke lines into the river of salt, sending them this way and that through the land. Some fell off into the ravines forming majestic waterfalls and others would come to form pools of their own. She spread seeds of life through those waters, forming phantasmal corals of many colors and that which could thrive upon the salt. They would grow and spread in time as long as the water remained brackish at best. Upon those banks and from the old tree stumps, twisted up from the dirt new brown saplings, rich with color that quickly formed long stalky roots that reached into the waters, bearing flowers of pink upon leaves of white. As a final touch she summoned great crystals, grandiose and in her paleness, that sprouted across the fledgling land in great spires and outcroppings. Some clear in quality, others opaque with inclusions of minerals and some with veins of gems. Many would glow, others would attract the magic in the air and store it, while some would have secrets waiting to be unlocked. (Wyn, if she knew at all, truly only cared for their appearances.) When the earth shook, it sent splinters falling and where they landed they sprouted into more formations and clusters, sparkling under the light of a new sun. The air was fresh here and the old smells of decay and stagnation were replaced with floral scents most splendid to the senses. While the wind blew through, ringing the crystals with pure notes that filled the air in beautiful harmony. Knowing that the crystals were her centerpiece, Wyn moved to embellish them further. Upon the earth where nothing but bare dirt lay, she called forth a great blanket for growing things and they came as if they had waited forever for that moment. Shooting up with great leaves and flowers, seeds and fruit, all suited to the environment. Most of the foliage were of pale colors but the further they grew away from the white river, they became deeper shades. Of pinks, purples, reds and violets with crystalline structures throughout- Some even growing like the plants and taking on different shapes. Likewise, further away the land went from the rivers and streams, it adapted to brackish water and then eventually as it reached a land north of her sea, (and one that Wyn was surprised to see but had no immediate desire to explore), it soaked up fresher waters. Down south of the river, with little precipitation that way, the land would take time to grow and mature. Wyn would name this immaculate land, the Crystalline Expanse. She was somewhat satisfied with it. She rubbed her temple, as she could not help but feel that something was needed. Something more but she did not have the answer at the time. With a sigh she decided to leave. For now, she would ruminate on the missing pieces as she flew back to the statue of Ze'kelia. [hr] Along the way she seeded plant life in her sea. Great forests of translucent grasses and plants came into being, with the same corals from the river forming reefs and barriers. As she passed islands she bid trees and foliage to come about to form a lush paradise of resplendence. As she neared the statue however, Wyn could see that something was amiss. Some sort of shape, more like a lump, had curled itself around Ze’Kelia’s outstretched hand. She quickened her pace and as she neared her second creation, Wyn became appalled. An unsightly grey beast was basking in the glow of her light as the sun up above faded. It slung itself lazily on the hand, sleeping! Sleeping! With its deformed shape and bulky body with far too many jagged edges and spikes. Was this a monster that Ze’Kelia had wanted her about? Anger took hold of her and like a thunderclap, she arrived before the creature with terrible vengeance. [color=thistle]”How disgusting.”[/color] she scoffed with venom. This seemed to jostle the creature awake and it peered at her with fearsome eyes and brimstone. It snarled and roared in a fiery as Wyn’s temper. “This is my warmth! I claim it!” Rage gripped the goddess. [color=thistle]”You dare? You dare!”[/color] she boomed. Yet the creature remained defiant. “I’m not afraid of a welp.” In the blink of an eye, it reared back on its haunches and carried it’s head high as a red glow started in its throat until a torrent of roaring flame shot forth towards Wyn. But the Goddess was not there. For, within it’s blink, Wyn was at its side and before it could even move it’s great head, the goddess removed its neck from its shoulders with a swing of her arm. The roaring flame exploded at the base of the neck, spraying the pale one in grisly blood before sliding off the hand and off it went, into the sea below with a great splash. Likewise, the head and neck fell down and landed with a splatter at the statue’s feet, leaving Wyn to watch as she dripped with blood, anger still rolling through her. When she had at last calmed herself, she floated downwards and landed beside the head. She could not allow such a place to be defiled ever again. It was evident then, that if she could not be there always, then a guardian the island must have. She poured the rest of her anger into the creature’s remains and from such grotesque defiance, a jewel was born. The neck elongated, it’s lackluster scales becoming iridescent as it grew to twice the original length. The snout shortened, it’s horns retracting back into its skin as it became wholly of scales with a diamond shaped head. When the transformation was complete, the creature stirred and opened its pale eyes. It coiled itself and then raised itself high above Wyn, flicking a forked tongue out towards her. [color=thistle]”You are Saxses, the first snake.”[/color] Wyn said, floating to be eye level with him. [color=thistle]”Guard this place with your life and turn any to stone who trespass here unwelcome.”[/color] she folded her arms. Saxses flicked his tongue out again and dipped his head in reply. Wyn watched as the giant snake slithered its way to the base of the statue and coiled up for a nap. [color=thistle]”Not even a day old and already tired of it all.”[/color] Wyn muttered to herself. Her eyes fell upon the splattered blood at her feet, dark crimson as it dried out. Not wanting to have such a place stained with such a sight she pooled the blood into fist sized gems and set them within each of the five statues that poured salt water. She then did the same up upon the hand and set those around the Ze’kelia’s neck. There were eight gems in total. Five in the statues below and three up above. Upon setting the last one she felt a sensation of anger and roaring flames. With that done she jumped down into the sea to wash herself of the filth and almost forgot about the creature’s corpse. It’s blood stained the water as it sank to the bottom. Not wishing it to be there, Wyn found another use for it. From the corpse exploded life again but this time it was different. Multitudes of colorful fish came from the blood, chief among them a crimson colored minnow that the other fish hungrily snatched up. Then from the flesh came larger fish still in vast numbers and lithe reptiles suited for swimming, colorful and pale in her image. Then from the bones came long serpents with scales that reflected the light and who shined like the stars she had seen above but smaller. And all was good and beautiful. Wyn washed herself as she watched the spectacle and realized she had found her answer. The missing piece was this. Living beings, born from her vision and design. Perhaps the creature’s appearance was- No… It had been ugly. The only praise she would give it was that it had died quickly. She continued scrubbing herself and felt from the deep the earth quiver. When was that going to stop? [hider=summary] Wyn muses on her meeting with Ze’kelia and names her sea, the Sea of Reflection. She then goes off to create more life. She builds the Crystalline Expanse, a pink to violet biome revolving around saltwater close to the river, then brackish water and freshwater the farther it gets away from the river proper. Crystals are an abundance here, closer to the salt water regions and have various properties that can be explored. Wyn feels like she is missing something but doesn’t know what so she goes back to her sea and adds some plantlife to it. She then sees a Drakhorey chilling out on Ze’Kelia’s statue and gets super offended that it’s ugly. After a small chat she slaughters it and from it’s head and neck she makes a guardian snake to protect the island and fashion blood gems from the monsters… blood. I imagine these gems can enhance fire magic at the cost of anger. She then wants to clean the filth from her body, cause it got bloody and dives into her sea where she remembers the lower body fell. From it she creates living beings, fish and sea serpents to inhabit her sea, coming to the realization what she was missing was living beings all along. [/hider] [hider=MA] -1MA Crystalline Expanse -1MA Crystal stuff -1MA Blood gems -1MA Saxses, snake that turns things to stone yo -1MA life for her sea [/hider]