[center][img]https://i60.servimg.com/u/f60/20/13/46/09/ellie-10.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=f26522][center][h1]Port Alec[/h1] [h2]Briefing[/h2] [h3]Interacting with:Skye[@Crosswire][/h3][/center][/color] [hr] Amaya listened as she kept her soft smile placed on her face before allowing a light round of laughter escape from her lips before the fingertips of her left hand found their way to covering her mouth. She managed to regain her composure after a few seconds taking a deep breath.[color=6ecff6] "It is very reassuring to see that some things have never changed. As for your assumption Skye, I came to explore and understand this era and the newfound place I awoke in."[/color]She said in a soft tone before she leaned forward, moving her hands behind her back.[color=6ecff6] "I may not be on the battlefront, but if and when you do happen to get injured. about maybe 70% of the time, it might be me that will be the one to assist you in your recovery."[/color]She said, [color=6ecff6]"So I hope I see this enthusiasm when and if that time ever comes. Plus, I enjoy the new patient you gave my colleague and I to treat, so thank you for that."[/color]She added before turning to the newest member of their party, who made a decent attempt at defusing a possible disaster. She straightened up as he calmed Skye down before introducing himself to Amaya, extending his hand. Amaya smiled, allowing her small, perfectly manicured fingers to allow themselves to wrap around his hand, shaking it lightly.[color=6ecff6] "It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Carius Tadmoore. I am Amaya Yashia, a newly appointed Doctor here at the base."[/color] She explained before hearing the briefing continue as she decided to keep silent, listening to the presentation. Most of the briefing went entirely over her head with actually knowing what they were talking about, model and information-wise, strategy, etc. However, Amaya did enjoy the briefing up till Skye spoke of an offense. She looked over at Skye, raising an eyebrow as the girl apparent want to fight in space, finding her want for a battle to be fascinating and a bit creepy at the same time. Amaya turned around, moving back towards the back of the room again. This briefing was not for her, nor was she needed for this briefing. However, such meetings always fascinated her as she watched the screen contently. Amaya watched the briefing images and documents on the screen moving as Tyn discussed what everyone was to do. She was amazed at the massive change of battle strategy. This whole situation was fantastic and it was clear on her face.