The moment Serena shook her head albeit weakly, Kay sighed in slight annoyance that Serena was being even more stubborn than she herself could be. Of all the people she could have possibly ended up having as protectors and she's ended up with two incredibly stubborn people. Serena's reasons for not resting did not convince Kay in the slightest, and was glad that John was agreeing with her and Chas about Serena needing to rest. "you know that doesn't convince us otherwise right? Serena you're literally burning yourself out right now, John is right, you need to rest and have some peace for a bit. You're not to blame for any of this. I've had my fair share of problems and attacks way before I even met you." she replied with another counter to Serena's words. "John if you can, I'd say just use a spell on her to make her sleep. If there even is such a spell" she added, aiming her words at John rather than Serena. Until Serena did get some sleep, there was no way Kay would feel happy about getting back to sleep. She would just feel on edge too much if Serena was awake too much longer.