[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210416/9205c9ecc3ef84eb2edfc9b2c324cf4f.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/34yR4hO.png[/img][/center] [hr] It worked. Lorelei was still in disbelief that it worked. How long had she been plotting this, longing to get away from him? So many failed attempts and so many consequences for said failed attempts. Of course this may also have repercussions, especially when he found out HOW it came to be. She couldn’t think about that right now, though, and instead decided to focus on the fact that she finally had some freedom. She could finally do as she pleased! Well kind of...for this to work she still needed to focus on the things the thieves guild had been trying to teach her. Some of it she was happy to learn, but other parts of it she was dreading. Lorelei was pulled out of her thoughts as the carriage pulled up to Hoseforn’s Academy and she glanced out the window to watch all sorts of students milling about. Finally the carriage came to a halt and she opened the door, stepping out as she pulled the hood of her [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/6672b2c9-5509-4893-b9ee-668acee8ba5a/dd0mh76-331419e2-a8dd-4017-bf46-618612f65768.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNjY3MmIyYzktNTUwOS00ODkzLWI5ZWUtNjY4YWNlZThiYTVhXC9kZDBtaDc2LTMzMTQxOWUyLWE4ZGQtNDAxNy1iZjQ2LTYxODYxMmY2NTc2OC5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.jgzXAGcHLCRngUgqOWbU-DDw26L4BG26Sl3M0bFtgNQ]outfit[/url] off her head. She turned to look at the man who had been driving the carriage and gave him a grin. [color=7CE7D3]”Thanks Archie, I can take it from here.”[/color] She began to walk away, but the man called out to her. [color=A6B7CA]”Now Miss Lorelei, you know I was instructed by Master Zendan to accompany you in and make sure you were truly accepted. If you weren’t then I was to immediately escort you back.”[/color] He said, scolding her in a way one would a small child. A small look of annoyance crossed Lorelei’s face for the briefest of moments before she turned back to Archibald with a winning smile. [color=7ce7d3]”Really Archie, I’ll be okay. I have my acceptance letter right here, it was confirmed back at the guild it wasn’t a counterfeit right? Or are you doubting the skills of our mages?”[/color] She gave him an accusatory look and he became slightly flustered before she went on. [color=7ce7d3]”Don’t worry, I won’t tell them. Truth is, I question them sometimes too. I’ll tell you what, I will send word back to Zendan and give you the highest of praise. I’ll tell him you even escorted me to my rooms! You might even get a promotion out of it. Do we have a deal?”[/color] Archie seemed to hesitate for only a moment more, but then he sighed and nodded. He’d been aching for a promotion for a while and if anyone could persuade Zendan to give it to him, it was his precious gem Lorelei. Finally Archibald drove the carriage away and Lorelei was free to go about things. She decided to follow the flow of students into the Main Hall and upon entering she let out a small whistle. Never before had she seen a crystal like this and a small part of her wondered how much something like that would be worth. She quickly shoved that thought aside as she approached one of the booths all the other students had been going to. [Color=FFC0CB]"Greeting's new student. I am Athena. Welcome to Hoseforn's Academy for Gifted Adventurers. Please present your acceptance scroll now."[/color] [Color=7ce7d3]"Damn, this place is fancy."[/color] Lorelei said as she presented the scroll. She watched the runes glow, slightly intrigued by them yet having no clue what they meant. She was confident that this was probably some big magic, though. [Color=ffc0cb]"Letter accepted. Welcome Lorelei Vilinza."[/color] The scroll proceeded to change into a map and Lorelei found herself nodding in approval. This would be very helpful in finding her way around this large place. [Color=ffc0cb]This is a map of the school grounds, your dorm number is 634. A fresh uniform and any supplies you require will be waiting for you. Please change...bathe... and return to the Main Hall within twenty minutes for the welcoming feast. Attendance is mandatory."[/color] Really? She only had twenty minutes? [Color=7ce7d3][I]Well of course…[/I][/color] She left the booth in a hurry, shoving past a few students who began to yell at her yet as soon as they saw her murderous stare they shut up. Having a map of the campus made navigating to the dorms incredibly easy. She was thankful that she didn't have to waste time searching where she needed to go because at this point she was likely going to be late. She glanced around the halls, noticing the variety of people there even though there weren't many at this point. Most had likely already made their way to the Main Hall. She looked at the numbers on the door until she came to 634. She went to reach for the handle, but the door opened and and she came face to face with a tiefling man. She blinked in confusion for a moment, but quickly recovered as she gave him a once over. [Color=7ce7d3]"Well if you're my roommate I'm certainly not going to complain."[/color] She smirked up at him as she placed a hand on her hip. Her other hand extended out to him as she introduced herself. [Color=7ce7d3]"Lorelei Vilinza at your service."[/color] [@ChaoticLaw]