[center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/c12effa38ced5a2b0c56b6ae5fa5d910.png[/img][/center] [hr] The silence in the wake of the cacophony that had only moments prior filled the air, were it not for the lonely howl of wind, would have been deafening. Selma, standing alone overlooking the battle, took a moment to fold her arms and listen, searching with newfound acuity in the auditory realm. Four burst of thunder had just sounded moments prior as she and Rivka had launched their respective projectiles the way of the spindly aggressor, lances of light from her lilac compadre rending it nearly in twain before her stones clobbered it right off the side of the building. Normally, anything with holes the size of her head straight through its body would be more than taken out by such a sequence, but this was a Void— if they were that simple to take care of, people like the Ars Magi wouldn't be needed. People like [i]them[/i], now, actually. [color=00a651][i]Woah.[/i][/color] So, in the aftermath of all that commotion, Selma listened hard. Chie and Crystal were down there, as were many of the operators the latter had set to evacuating. They might not have been out of the woods yet... and while those two could handle themselves, technically every bit as qualified (or not exactly qualified, more accurately) as she was, she didn't wanna leave her business unfinished if it quite literally fell onto their plates. She strained her strengthened senses, searching for the telltale signs that she was needed on the ground below. Far below. How the hell would she get down in time if— A trio of vibrations through the soles of her feet gave her pause, rattling up the tower at a volume barely perceptible to most, but to a woman one with the earth like Selma, were almost impossible to miss. They heralded the sound rushing through the air, a less dense medium, a moment later. The rumbling bursts. The orbs she had intercepted. A shout from below, and then a crack of thunder— not metaphor like earlier, an actual bolt of lightning. That settled it. There was fighting going on down there for sure, so it hadn't kicked it yet. She needed to get back in there, and fast. A stairwell behind continuous evacuees of the tower's staff? No way she'd make it in time to do anything. She needed something faster. A loose piece of concrete, a pebble of rubble from the blast of the first attack, tumbled into the void as she shifted her weight. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdnw772R42M]...[/url] [color=00a651]"Hey!"[/color] she called after a moment, waving to the spot of purple further off in the skyline that currently shouldered a rifle, probably (rightfully) admiring her work. [color=00a651]"Rivka!"[/color] Catching the musician's eye for a moment, she pointed towards the pavement below from the lip of the hole where she stood, her usual alacrity for the first time tinged by a slight uneasiness, a wan shake to the smile as the lips rose into it. [color=00a651]"I'm headin' down, alright!?"[/color] A beat passed as she swallowed (literally [color=00a651][i][ulp][/i][/color] ) her trepidation, not exactly waiting to hear her tag-team partner's response, hefted [i]Kleinbruder[/i] to rest upon a shoulder— And then she stepped off, dropping down the side of the tower, a meteor aimed squarely for the Void locked in mortal combat below. Reaching a hand, covered in steel, out to skid against the face of the building, her last words in the one-sided conversation floated up to the firebrand from the cold Russian north, a plume of sparks in her wake. [color=00a651]"[i][b]SEE YOU THEEEEEE[/b]EEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeee[sub]eeerrrrrrrrrrreeee![/sub][/i]"[/color]