[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjcyLmFjNzhlMi5RWE4wY21Wc2JHVWdUR1Z1Ym05NC4w/the-astise.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/9NFPcEK.png[/img] [hr][/center] The feeling of her metal weapon scraping against the Void’s inky flesh was a pleasant one. The momentum of her swing slowed as it sunk into its form, and alongside it, time, as if graciously giving Astrelle a moment to relish in the satisfaction of wounding her enemy. It wouldn’t even be a second later that Astrelle would find herself its hostage, soaring through the air in its clutches. Though this particular situation was a much ruder awakening of imminent death than the airship had been, Astrelle’s panic was quickly replaced with resignation. The typical cycle of anxieties had already run through her mind, but she came to accept that her arms were tied, both figuratively and literally, and there was little she could do aside from wait for rescue. Her screams of terror quieted upon this realization, and the barking of her teammates below had faded into murmurs in the distance. She felt strangely calm, maybe as a symptom of her own powerlessness. Confronted with death, she couldn’t help thinking how flying through the air with the spring wind in her hair would have almost been romantic in another circumstance. Maybe she wouldn't have hated this situation so much if the Void wasn't such an ugly bastard. She did have one regret if anything, that she couldn’t be the one to take the Void down with her if she were to die today. [color=b699ff]“Nicole?!”[/color] Astrelle’s bleak train of thought had been disrupted with the sudden appearance of her roommate’s sparkling form. She cleaved through the Void’s wretched grasp, freeing Astrelle to plummet into the cityscape below. Her arms frantically searched for Nicole’s, her only viable safety net in mid-air, only to see the shrinking form of the Void fling her roommate off to the distance. [color=b699ff]“NICOLE!”[/color] Before her mind found a new pool of emotion to submerge into, her body collided into Dana’s arms, into safety. The collision knocked the breath out of her lungs, but she was grateful she managed to escape the whole predicament. [color=b699ff]“Thanks,”[/color] Astrelle managed to say weakly, before Dana rushed back into action. She followed the direction Dana ran off too, relieved to see that Penny had performed a similar rescue for Nicole. Dana continued her attack, firing a huge beam of light at the Void. A firework display of black ooze erupted from where the light hit, propelled with the momentum of Nicole’s sharp gust. Astrelle's boisterous laughter filled the air in reaction to the macabre spectacle—it was the best thing she had seen all week, and seeing the Void pieces dissipate into the air right after was rather disappointing. She would've preferred seeing the fleshy ooze splatter on some concrete. Astrelle approached the others in slow steps, still sore from Void’s tight grasp. [color=b699ff]“This certainly beats those dumb cartoons,”[/color] Astrelle rolled her eyes, though followed it up with a slight smile, [color=b699ff]“but I’ll give them credit for fueling your creativity.”[/color]