[b]Pixie[/b] Pixie woke up soon after she and Sky were healed. She looked around slowly and saw the destruction of the city and all the dead. Still, everyone was working quickly to get everyone back on their feet again. She looked around to see Rena and a few others had gathered in an area and was about to fly up to them when she saw Blue. She gave him a small smile, glad to see him alright. "Blue, it's good to see you... but is that what I think it is?" She looked to Ahrah slowly, shocked that after all these years Blue had been chosen. [h1]Blue[/h1] Blue had flown back after he had healed Rena. After flying back to the city he saw that Pixie had woken up. He flew over quickly and listened to her before looking to Ahrah. [color=00aeef]"Oh, yeah. I gyess Ahrah chose me to wield him. Are you alright Pixie?"[/color] He looked to her dark form which was far more clear now that she was up and flying. [b]Pixie and Sky[/b] Sky woke up moments after Blue had finished talking. She rubbed her head and looked around. Pixie looked to her before turning towards Blue. "I think I will be fine. Blue, you know what this means, right? You're the new Nimbat Leader." The moment she finished Sky looked straight at Blue before looking down to Ahrah. She opened her mouth to speak when Red Dawn walked over with a lalafell. She closed her mouth and allowed them to talk and when they had finished she quickly spoke. "I think Blue is just making sure Ahrah doesn't get stolen in the chaos. Just because he wields him doesn't mean he is the new leader. Blue is right, he isn't a warrior and has never trained for battle. I think it's best if a trained Nimbat Warrior, like myself took Ahrah for safe keeping. After all, Blue was just the guardian, nothing more." Pixie looked to Sky with pure shock. She went to speak but nothing would come out. She had never heard such disrespect come from one of her own before. Slowly she shook her head and found the words she needed. "No, no. There's no mistake. Ahrah chose Blue for a reason. He may not be a warrior but despite that we need to believe Ahrah made the right choice." She tried her best to ignore the disrespect from Sky. Black aura started to leak from her and her eyes flashed red but she took a deep breath and breathed trying to calm down. It was then that the city was quickly rebuilt. Pixie looked around before placing her hand on her head. "I...I need a rest." She flew away slowly and into her private quarters. Although, technically they were Blue's now. She laid down slowly and closed her eyes. [b]Maru and Pixie[/b] A few moments later Maru slithered out of the shadows. He gave a sinister laugh before speaking his welcome. "Greetings, Pixie. I don't think we've ever met under these circumstances." Pixie shot up and looked to Maru. He appeared to be some sort of snake. She stared at him before flying up. "Who are you? How do you know me?" Maru slithered forward and used his magic to summon a mirror before her. "My name is Maru and I am a The King of the Demon Death Snakes. How I know you isn't important right now. I came to warn you. Too many things have changed in this timeline. Blue was never meant to be chosen by Ahrah. It was supposed to be Dust. So take heed Pixie. Blue is a threat to you and all your future plans. He will go through any means to take you down. He is far more dangerous than he ever was before." Pixie listened to him before shaking her head slowly. She looked at the mirror, seeing her reflection. She had turned completely black. She had changed. She looked to her hands and slowly fell down. "No....no you're wrong. Blue would never hurt me, and....timeline? What do you mean? He was never meant to be chosen? Who's Dust?" There were so many questions racing through her head. Maru let out a sigh and slithered forward towards her. "Listen Pixie. I am on your side. I have sworn loyalty to you many times over. Our goals align very well but with all these changes I fear that our goals will be delayed this time around. As smart as I am, I cannot predict what will happen which is why I suggest we form a contract. I give you a portion of my power and henceforth the power of my subjects and you gain a portion of yours. It will make us both stronger." He used magic to summon a contract and placed it on her desk before slowly moving back. Pixie flew up for a moment and looked over the contract then turned to Maru. "I don't know. I'll......I'll think about it. Now, leave." Maru gave a small nod before darkness surrounded him just before he left he said one more thing. "Pixie, there is something else you should know. Clara isn't who she says she is. She is a demon too who remembers the timelines like me. She has sworn to stop you at any cost. With my power, I will grant you the power to see through trickery. Even through mine." With that he disappeared and Pixie's eyes glowed brightly. Pixie looked over the contract once more and let out a sigh. That's when she noticed there was something strange about the contract. She rubbed her eyes then took a second look. In small purple print was a line of text. 'If you see this, then my gift to you was successful' Pixie blinked a few times before rushing out.